Medicinal Marijuana


New Member
If the goverment says pot is illegal, then why do they despence it to 7 people in the united states. (what makes there illnesss different from evryone elses?) The goverment can raid any pharmacy that despences pot to people with prescriptions, and they do. On the same hand , they despence it to seven different people in the usa. (I saw this on Montel Williams a couple of weeks ago) Any theories??
What the hell are you talking about? :confused:
A few state's laws have been reformed to allow for medical marijuana, but the Federal government still has legislation that bans it. It's illegal for state police to arrest a proven medical user for personal use only, but the Feds can still bust him if they wanted to. I don't know that the Federal gov't supplies any person with medical marijuana, but California and a handful of states like it provide for many, many people.

what she means is how can the government give pot to certain medicinal users then turn around and arrest others for using the same drug they dispence to those people, for the same purpose...i don't know exactly how many people are given cannabis, but that number may be right...i know thousands have been issued cannabis cards so that they may legally grow and buy from cannabis clubs, but there are also those who are given it directly by the government...
do some research folks...expand this is a VERY important topic... Slayer
I know what she's talking about. It was on montel. They were talking about how the feds are busting pharmacys in legal states like california. I really don't get the whole thing either. Why are they passing laws saying its ok if your doctor prescribes it, but then busting the pharmacies?
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