Mesa County Eyeing Year Long Moratorium On Medical Marijuana Businesses

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Co - Mesa County is looking to impose a moratorium on medical marijuana businesses and a resolution doing so could be adopted as early as Monday.

At its public hearing, the Board of Mesa County Commissioners is expected to vote on whether to accept a year long moratorium.

If the resolution is adopted, it will go into affect immediately.

According to county documents, the Planning Department says the moratorium is necessary to investigate the county's ability to regulate such businesses and develop and implement appropriated regulations. The moratorium will also give the state legislature time to adopt legislation which will further define the sale, distribution and cultivation of medical marijuana.

The City of Grand Junction and the Town of Palisade both adopted one year moratoriums in the fall of 2009 and in December of last year Fruita established location and zoning requirements for medical marijuana businesses.

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Copyright: 2010 Gray Television, Inc.
Contact: Contact NBC 11 News
Website: Mesa County eyeing year long moratorium on medical marijuana businesses

• Thanks to MedicalNeed for submitting this article
These idiots are surrounded by other towns and municipalities creating policies and regulations to help them both profit from and lend a modicum of control over the burgeoning medical marijuana industry. Look at what other smooth running systems have already created - depending of course on your concept of smooth running - Pick a few that are supported and accepted by both sides of the system and see which one best fits your locale. Should only take a few weeks/months to gather the information and analyze it for adaptation to local conditions. Look at what works and use it! Don't waste a whole year putzing around.
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