

New Member
my plants r 4 weeks old and look good wen feeding them i also mist them my mate said not to mist them wats best :hmmmm:
Yes I agree, I would only foliar feed during the veg. growing stage and once they start to flower, feed them through the soil exclusively. This will prevent any bud rot that may form because of the buds being too wet.

Also, when foliar feeding the finer the mist, the better. You aren't trying to drown the leaves, you really are just lightly misting them.
I would also add that depending on what kind of lights you're usinig, you're gonna have to watch that the plants don't get too hot. Beads of water act as prysms and will create tiny hot spots on your leaves. So be mindfull of that. And of course, don't spray your bulb! Also, if you're gonna add ferts or carbonated water to your feedings (both a good idea), you'll want to mist w/just plane water a few times before you put them into 12/12 to rince off any residual chemicals that the plant didn't absorb.
Just my 2 cents.
vintner said:
I would also add that depending on what kind of lights you're usinig, you're gonna have to watch that the plants don't get too hot. Beads of water act as prysms and will create tiny hot spots on your leaves. So be mindfull of that. And of course, don't spray your bulb! Also, if you're gonna add ferts or carbonated water to your feedings (both a good idea), you'll want to mist w/just plane water a few times before you put them into 12/12 to rince off any residual chemicals that the plant didn't absorb.
Just my 2 cents.

Boy Vin, ain't that the truth. I had to stop foliar feeding my plants, even though with a major cooled hood they can get within 1" of the HPS 430w, when they have water drops on their leaves, it's like thousands of magnifying glasses and eventually the combo of nutrients left on the leaves because of rapid evap and the prims effect, my leaves started peppering with dry rotting spots. The buds and such are perfectly fine, but the feeder leaves died just at the finishing stage, and I swear it has slowed me down by 2 week due to loss of photosynthesis area.

So, Unless I can keep them 8"+ below the HPS, I'm stopping foliar, and just being very particular about the nutrient solution so I don't need foliar that late in the game.
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