Mold on my soil! What to do


New Member
There's a thin layer of grey, fuzzy mold just starting to form on the dirt surface of one of my indoor plants (not even pot). I don't have a meter, but the air in the room doesn't feel humid at all, and I keep a fan on at all times for ventilation. Something I can do about this quickly and non-intrusively?
if its already infested with mold, i would throw it away and bleach the container and start over, clone the plant first, or take a clone of it.
First question is, can you safely stop watering that particular plant so that you get aobout 1/4" to 1/2" of dry soil on top? If so, keep that type of water schedule, mold wont' grow without moisture.

Overwatering is also probably the first contributor to soil molding. If you can kill it by getting it to dry out on top, hell, turn that crap under when it dies. Let it give back the nutrition it stole from the soil. :)

If you can not, then I would recommend putting some type of mulch on top, maybe mushroom compost or pine bark. (Cedar might kill some plants). Pine migh too though. That allows the soil underneath to stay nice and moist, but keeps the top part breathing and close to ambient humidity.

Edit: overwatering part added
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