My Battle with Powdered Mildew


New Member
So I set up my grow and everything was going great. and then powdered mildew showed up.
I have since cut most of the under foliage off the veg plants and sprayed generously with Potassium Bicarbonate but I really need to kill this stuff rather than just repel it or I am going to be dealing with it forever.

So I decided to try ozone. I know the plants don't like it but I am hoping the mildew likes it even less. so using the Chemotherapy theory basically I am banking that I can kill the mold off permanently before I kill the plants.

I started today hosing down the plants as well as the walls with a commercial ozone generator hooked to a 1" hose so I can direct where I want the ozone to go. I will keep posting my progress and if anyone has additional input I am up for it.

Powdery mildew is caused by high humidity, improve air flow & ventilation.

That makes sense as it made it's debut soon after the temps dropped outside and i was able to cut back the hours the air conditioner ran. I went from pulling 2.5 gallons of water a day out of the air to 1.25.

adding a dehumidifier should help I would think. I am running between 40-60% now should I be looking to be in the 30-50 range?
Powder Mildew (PM) problems?

Use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o2) as a contact fungicide mixed in a 1:3 or 1/2 cup per gallon mixture with RO water and mist on the affected areas. DO NOT SOAK the buds in any stronger solution; they will wilt and turn brown! Try a “rinsing” mist. Watch out for cool, humid environments – airflow is ineffective against PM.

Use Tea Tree Oil.

This ratio has been safely doubled to a full cup per gallon with great results also.
During chop, if you notice spots of PM or if it's just on individual plants, you can mix a 5 gallon bucket or tub with 5 cups H2o2 and 5 gallons of RO water and dip the entire plant after chop. Then gently shake the drops off and hang it in front of a fan to dry the water off and cure as normal. The PM will literally float off of the plant and float on top.

H2O2 can be used daily through out the entire grow to help prevent PM from getting started and if it starts anyway, H2o2 will help keep it under control so it doesn't devour the entire crop.

Hope this helps; it comes from a very experienced grower.
H2O2 will work well, it helps kill fungus and infection. SNS-244 is also a great product to rid you of PM issues. I would say airflow is effective against PM, however solely getting better air-flow isn't effective. By getting good airflow your moving the air around which helps prevent micro-environments get overly humid.

Also the kill all is a sulfur vaporizer IMO, never had a client with issues after using one.
Powder Mildew (PM) problems?

Use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o2) as a contact fungicide mixed in a 1:3 or 1/2 cup per gallon mixture with RO water and mist on the affected areas. DO NOT SOAK the buds in any stronger solution; they will wilt and turn brown! Try a “rinsing” mist. Watch out for cool, humid environments – airflow is ineffective against PM.

Use Tea Tree Oil.

This ratio has been safely doubled to a full cup per gallon with great results also.
During chop, if you notice spots of PM or if it's just on individual plants, you can mix a 5 gallon bucket or tub with 5 cups H2o2 and 5 gallons of RO water and dip the entire plant after chop. Then gently shake the drops off and hang it in front of a fan to dry the water off and cure as normal. The PM will literally float off of the plant and float on top.

H2O2 can be used daily through out the entire grow to help prevent PM from getting started and if it starts anyway, H2o2 will help keep it under control so it doesn't devour the entire crop.

Hope this helps; it comes from a very experienced grower.

This is awesome info thank you. I have both so i just want to clarify, you prefer to use H2o2 mix over Potassium Bicarbonate...
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