My first grow. Does everything look good?


New Member
Would like some opinions please. First grow, these looking OK? 25 days into flowering on 12/12. Soil grow, 7 females out of 9, boys are long gone. 400w HPS, had MH for veg. :thanks:
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

I can't decide if they are indica only or a hybrid. Opinion please? 6 of the 7 are the same, bag seed from some really good stuff, was shocked to find several seeds. Other seed is from some unknown, the only one that survived out of 6, and it was the runt, tried to die many times.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

My first grow.... Does everything look good?


It looks awesome! keep up the good work!
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Haha, funny...............

Smartass! So, I do have a problem now, but with only one plant. The bud leaves are curling and drooping. This plant stretched more than the rest and isn't getting as much light because it has to be on the outside of the pack so it doesn't touch the light. Going to post in problems forum as well.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

when was the last time you checked your soil run off ph? in my experience the drop and curl is usually a ph problem. It could also be a sign of over watering. which could be from actually watering too much or poor drainage causing water build up at the bottom of the pot.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

ph would affect all of them wouldn't it? The rest are beautiful. Overwatering would make a lot of sense. I doused em good before I left on vacation for 3 days last week and it looked like that when I got home Friday. Fed/watered again yesterday, several were in need. When I water I give them all approx the same amount. But where it is in the pack I bet it doesn't dry out as fast. Crossing my fingers, that would sure be an easy fix. :thanks:
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Yeah over watering sounds like a good candidate then. I would let her dry our real good before watering again.

And for the PH being in isolated Pots soil has so many variables that could cause ph to spike in either direction.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

wow, your girls look very nice indeed.. :bravo:

Could be overwatering issue,, also, in soil, think about it this way,,, when you plant drinks up the water/nutes, she may only need x amount of this, and y amount of that,, leaving some behind. each plant, due to different temp, breeze, amount of light, closeness to neighbor, etc, may have a slightly different need for nutes/water.

so, with everything else being the same, all palants doing their thing at slightly different speeds, mean that if you are giving them all the same stuff every time, one or two may get a def, or have too much nute buildup (salt) and cause a ph issue... or have excess water since it did not need as much... etc...
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

:thanks: jungleekidd, actuall still learning alot, have only been growing for a very short while, just about everything I know about growing, came from here, and the helpful members, so I am just trying to help spread the knowledge :)
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

I have learned so much here too! It took me a while to register though, the paranoia. LOL!! Y'all have been of great help!

Well, yesterday was the last feeding they are going to get unless someone advises me otherwise. A few hairs are just beginning to turn amber, 28 days in. So any excess nutes should get used up shortly. I will watch that water, and re-organize when I get home, see if I can pull them to the front and some of the front shorter (the ones that always need the water) to the back, maybe it will help even things out. You can see in this pic the tall ones are at the back, the problem child is to the far left, it is too tall to fit in the pic!

The one to the back right has just a slight droop now, makes sense with its placement, but it is the buddiest of all!
And here is the prettiest one I've got:

Do any of you have an opinion on the indica only or hybrid question? Doesn't really matter, just my curiosity.... Thanks again all!
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

My plants have just been getting well water, and there about 4 feet tall now. Still waitin to sex em, but no pollen sacks or hairs yet. I planted about 2 months ago. Can someone lead me to info on how to top them. A friend of mine did it about two weeks ago I think. I wasn't here, so I didn't see how it was done. Oh, and there in the soil in the back yard. Not in pots. Dennis
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Nah I always see you droppin knowledge on new members in need of help. Accurate detailed replys from herb zen constantly. Keep spreading that vibe brother :grinjoint: And holyspicoli your plants are looking amazing. :goodjob:

thanks.. :bigblush::bigblush::bigblush:

My plants have just been getting well water, and there about 4 feet tall now. Still waitin to sex em, but no pollen sacks or hairs yet. I planted about 2 months ago. Can someone lead me to info on how to top them. A friend of mine did it about two weeks ago I think. I wasn't here, so I didn't see how it was done. Oh, and there in the soil in the back yard. Not in pots. Dennis

I do not grow outdoors, so I cannot really help, other than to point you to

How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know!

about 1/2 way down, there is a section on outdoor growing

also, checkout the outdoor growing forums
Outdoor Growing - 420 Magazine

Outdoor Growing Tutorial

I have learned so much here too! It took me a while to register though, the paranoia. LOL!! Y'all have been of great help!

Well, yesterday was the last feeding they are going to get unless someone advises me otherwise. A few hairs are just beginning to turn amber, 28 days in. So any excess nutes should get used up shortly. I will watch that water, and re-organize when I get home, see if I can pull them to the front and some of the front shorter (the ones that always need the water) to the back, maybe it will help even things out. You can see in this pic the tall ones are at the back, the problem child is to the far left, it is too tall to fit in the pic!

The one to the back right has just a slight droop now, makes sense with its placement, but it is the buddiest of all!
And here is the prettiest one I've got:

Do any of you have an opinion on the indica only or hybrid question? Doesn't really matter, just my curiosity.... Thanks again all!

dude, your girls look great :bravo: now what do you mean about last feeding? not like in last,, last,, ?? you said you are 28 days into flower, you got like 30-40 more to go... :) yuour buds have a long way to go, they are looking nice now,, but wait until they fill out :yummy:

to tell when they are done, you need to look at the trichs,, like in that sweet shot you have, that bud and leaf looks very frosty indeed :yummy:
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

My plants have just been getting well water, and there about 4 feet tall now. Still waitin to sex em, but no pollen sacks or hairs yet. I planted about 2 months ago. Can someone lead me to info on how to top them. A friend of mine did it about two weeks ago I think. I wasn't here, so I didn't see how it was done. Oh, and there in the soil in the back yard. Not in pots. Dennis

Hi Dennis, be sure to keep your babies safe from outdoor critters such as deer! I gave up growing outdoors because bambi and all her friends just love the taste of cannabis in the morning! :passitleft:
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Pulled the three tall ones to the front last night, crazy bitches, must be redheads! Now that problem bud has the best light in the house. I will keep everyone posted, see if this does the trick. I decided I will nute with P and K only at least once more this weekend, because they have been doing some crazy budding since I fed them Monday morning, hope to continue that.

For freeonthree: Topping That should help!
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Yep, the deer do come around and munch a bit, but hey, they need their weed too. They seem to be just picking a little, so I don't mind. I love animals, and if they want to eat a little, so biggy. This is my first grow, so it is just a test. They don't seem to bother the best and biggest plants, because they are real close to the house. If they continue to leave those few plants alone, their welcome to enjoy the other, less robust plants. This grow is practically chemical free. All I did was sprinkle some of those little fertilizer beads around the plants in the very beginning, and have just given em well water since. Now im on this website, my next grow will be a bit more high tech. I thought these were just weeds, and didn't realize it was such an artform these days. Im just growing these like we did in the 70's. Plant the seeds and water them, period.
I went to the how to grow section, and I scanned and scanned and scanned, but never saw the word TOP or TOPPING anywhere in there. Why isn't there a link in there that say HOW TO TOP YOUR PLANTS ? It was probably under my nose, but I didn't see it.
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