My grow challenge

William Holden

New Member
I guess I might aswell tell you this before you read half-way through what im doing and reply and tell me that im going about my grow all the wrong way.

What im doing isnt for anything serious, I probably wont get much, if ANY yield, and the odds are against me in this being pulled off.

Ok, now with that said, this is my plan.

I took one stereo speaker, took out the three actual speakers from it, attempted to open up the very back of it, no luck (how the fuck can I remove the back from it?) After a couple visual tests of which reflected light the best, pure flat white paper (thick), or Reyonalds Wrap (dull side), I lined the inside of the speaker with it, and put it on the bottom.

I searched so fucking hard to find a single seed, just one. Sure enough, I found it in the bottom of my camera bag with a bunch of weed thats fallen out over a course of a year or so into it, so I popped that bad boy in a wet paper towel yesterday and im anxisouly HOPING it will pop its shell. This is one of the odds that is against me, because after it pops the shell, it needs to pop out of the soil...

I'm clearly half-assing this attempt. Its just for fun kind of, and this IS NOT A SERIOUS GROW.

After I get the seed germinated, hopefully, i'll pop it in a cup of soil (small cup, small area), and put the 100w fluro over top, see what happens.

Yes, I know this isnt going to produce anything good, but unless you have a better idea for a stereo speaker that is roughly two feet tall, give or take a few inches by about a foot wide, then be my guest ;)

I'm just bored and thought it'd be fun to do a non-serious marijuana grow, thats stealthy and shit, right under my dad's nose. I'll post photos of the box later, but I have a few questions really fast:

How can I operate a computer fan via a 9volt batter? I've read that it can be done.

My lamp takes up the majority of the room in the box, do they sell simple light sockets with a cord that can be plugged into a wall? That'd take up so much less room and it'd be alot easier to adjust, and possibly i'll be able to put in TWO lights which would make the world of diffrence.

I just want to get the biggest plant possible in such a small space, just to kind of see what CAN be done with limited supplies. If it works, great. If I get a very small yield, great. If I dont get anything, hey, whatever, that works too.

I tried busting out the back of my speaker, with no prevail. I dont know how the fuck this thing was constructed, but if I could remove the back of it, and put it back in, and remove it easily, that'd do wonders for me. I can simply stick the lamp and cup and stuff in through the main speaker hole in the front, but IF I get a plant out of this, I dont know how to remove it.

If this seed doesnt germinate, where can I get a few free ones for research...? (as in, who wants to give me a few. pm me)

I'm drawing plans for a very nice, very nice and elaborate (probably too nice and elaborate for me to be able to actually create) that kicks ass, and im on top of the outdoor grow for next year too, i've already staked out a spot and this weekend I plan on hiking out too it and clearing a area and making some fence out of limbs and shit, so I do take marijuana growing seriously, but this speaker grow is just a little test to see what can be done in such a small space.

Since im growing in such a tiny space, when should I switch the plant into flowering? How tall, or how many nodes should it have first?

I think it'd be a cool contest to see who could grow a plant in a weird way, in something stealth or just with limited things to work with.
Keep in mind, I know this isnt the best way to go about growing, I know I know I know I know. Im not trying to do the best method, im just seeing if anything comes out of this, its experimental. The "real" grow will begin when winter is over and I get my outdoor's going, and i'll have some indoor ones (grown the 'right way') when I move out, whenever I get around to it.
I may have to resort to this...

I cant get the back open for the life of me, I need to vent air in and out because I ran a "test" with the light in it for a couple hours last night, and it got warm. Outside the box the light can be touched with bare hands after being on all day, not too hot. Inside, well, it wasnt unbearable but noticably hotter. I'd hate to burn my house down over something like this. Another option is to drill holes in the back of the box, i'll use a 80mm fan probably, maybe larger if I think its needed, and drill the four holes to mount it, and then just a bunch of holes inbetween that to pull cool air in.

So, I really need to vent... and this is my plan, maybe. I could place a computer fan near in the center hole, operated by a batter hopefully. But even with the lining ( the black fabric covering the holes), you'd see light through where the fan blows air out. So if I glued the lining to the BACK of the speaker, (I placed it back there and if lined up right you wouldnt even know the diffrence from looking at it) I could have the exhaust in the back of the box, blowing out, with some sort of contraption over it so light wouldnt get in or out, like a elbowed sleve or something.

I've looked at my lamp, and it looks as if the shade covering the bulb could be easily removed, and the base could also be removed from it, leaving me a much slimmer light fixture to work with, and more room for a plan. Still brainstorming on the lighting issue.

Smell. The original plan was to line the inside of the fabric that covers the speaker and the holes, with a bunch of fabric softner sheets. I used to smoke in my room all the time, windows closed, air vent to the other rooms open, and I never stuffed shit under my door. The smell just lingered in here, and always vented out nicely. I'm hoping I could say the same about this.

Also, how would you guys feel about a LIVE webcam grow? I could mount it at the very top looking straight down, but the more cords I have coming out of the back into random shit, well its just obvious it isnt a speaker than, y'know? I know for a fact that my real indoor grow, sometime next year probably, will have a livecam in the corner for all to see, but then again that may be a very bad idea on my part (i'd make sure it wasnt angled anyhow where you could see my face when I tend to my garden)

Bed time, need to brainstorm.
The seed may of slightly cracked open today, day three. I'll check on it tonight, and in the morning.

Its in a folded damp paper towel, and the paper towel is inside a plastic cup with a just a tad bit of water, probably no more than a few milimeters of water, and I have it stored in my closet with a big block of cotton I removed from the speaker, to block out excess light (my closet doors are a bi-fold, and they have slits in it them where light can get in).

There are only two times I can really work on this, which is at night and I can only do quiet work on it then. I cant make too much noise, and before class in the morning for about 40 minutes.

I need to get soil soon, we have some potting soil though outside, and im thinking of just using it. The idea here is to just use shit around the house, but i'll still need a light timer, and possibly other shit too.

Anyone have any idea on the light situation?
I have a lamp similar to this boasting a 100 watt cfl, but I need to remove the cover on top, and remove the base, and still have a functional, SAFE unit to work with. If I can do this, there may be room for another light, which is great because we have like 10 on opened packages of 100w CFL's, and quite a few 60w CFL's laying around too (we have plenty of lights).
I'm a fucking genious.

Instead of planting in a tall, skinny cup, why not use a cd-r spindle cover? BRILLIANT!

I didnt mention this before, but i'll also be using the SCROG method of growing, to create a bushier plant that will fill up the box, instead of a tall skinny plant. I'll be taking apart my lamp later, but im using it right now..
This is very doable man, even with such a small space.

Overgrow has a whole section dedicated to microgrowing, and you'd be amazed at what some people will grow in their fucking speakers, computer cases, and file cabinets.
Well if I could fit a five gallon bucket in my speaker, I would, but the roots will also be able to grow out too, not just down. I think i'll actually have more soil in the actual lid than I would in the cup, and since the lid is about half the height of the cup, it gives me a bit more room to work with.
I just made a carbon scrubber for the box, to vent properly but still keeping it stealth with no light leaking out.

I think I may have two vents, a intake and an exhaust, and I may be able to do this without having to drill a whole lot. I could put the intake to pull in the air from my room in the middle hole, and the out take on the top... I know it wouldnt be as effective as simply having one on the very bottom, and on the very top, but whatever, im going for simplicity here.
Well, I just planted the seed. It wasnt fully germinated, but by the time I could get the supplies that I need (because I now realize I need a few things, but still shouldnt cost me much) I figured it'd be over germinated.

Plus, I want to test out the box and see if i'll blow anything up or burn my house down...

Under my desk, with the screen on and its facing the wall because light is still visible...

I need to get ahold of a PC fan, as many light sockets as possible, some chicken wire, and a few other things aswell. Im going to attatch the lights directly at the top, facing down, they probably wont be adjustable, but whatever. I'll add a fan blowing cool air on them on the top, and a fan blowing out warm air somewhere else. Im thinking of moving the speakers into my closet, but im not sure if I should or not.

I'll keep you updated.
I'm with Teg, I don't think that cd case is big enough. If you can find one of those for a 50 pack of cds or 100, all the better. The 100 is a nice size, that's what I used at first.
I'm not using a CD case anymore.

Im just waiting around for an extra small sum of cash to land in my pocket that I dont need to use for anything else, so I can buy some light sockets or something, and I have a guy giving me some pc fans for free that i'll rig for cooling.

Just aslong as I can get the speaker set up how it should be, with sufficient lighting and cooling. I need atleast two 100w flouros in there, but they're really 23w cfl's, but I dont know if 46w of light would be enough for a plant in the veg stage, i'd like to get atleast three or four in their if possible. With that many lights, cooling will be a problem. But i'll sit it out, look at the speaker, figure out the best way to do this and go with it. I've seen some pretty promising results from microgrows, and if given the right stuff i'll pull it off.
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