My light came on during dark time!


New Member
OKAY!! I'm growing in two tents! At the top of one of my tents there is no CFM fan! Still waiting for it! To come! I usually have my green light screwed in and I exchange it for one of the newer spiralry bulb! Well I was beat and forgot to unscrew it! I know a tad bit of light got in but for only like 10 seconds! Are my girls gonna be okay or am I screwed! PLEASE HELP!!!
Hi GreenNation.

With such limited exposure to light during the dark period, I think your girls will be fine.
OKAY!! I'm growing in two tents! At the top of one of my tents there is no CFM fan! Still waiting for it! To come! I usually have my been light screwed in and I exchange it for one of the newer spiralry bulb! Well I was beat and forgot to unscrew it! I know a tad bit of light got in but for only like 10 seconds! Are my girls gonna be okay or am I screwed! PLEASE HELP!!!

10 seconds? no problem
yeap dude, relax it has happen to me too. Nothing bad or strange happened after this, and it was longer than 10 seconds. So dont worry.

hey man! im new to the forum but not to growing! ive done the same thing, and your babies will be fine. however, even the smallest light leaks during the dark time CAN cause stress, you should be fine for the amount of time you said! good luck
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