My plant is sick!

Not in addition, the box said 2600 lumens per buld and I have two of the bulbs (5200) for two plants and for my other two I have two 27 watt ones, how's this plant looking? It's the one beside the sick one
looks nice, the yellowing on the real low leaves is probably 'cause of the lighting. What I did with a couple of cfl grows was just piecemeal add the 27 watters for underneath and side lighting as the plants outgrew what I had on top to compensate. That way you don't get hit all at once with a big bill; just beware that once you get X amount of cfl's in the box, the heat really starts to emanate from the mass of them and they also after a couple grows start to emit less lumens than what's on the box. Give what you've got going now a week and see where you're at.
you're prob good right now, wait 'till you need the side lighting before getting it so you can see the best way to move forward from there. If anything maybe split the lights up 1 40w/1 27w per set of two plants and just rotate the plants once a day. Give what you did a few days/week to see if it works and go from there. No rush, they don't look bad...growing's similar to raising kids, a scuffed knee on someone else's seems minor while yours needs a trip to the emergency room, lol, at least that's how I am.
Alright sounds good, and yeah that's true ahah. Since the lights are level and one plant is taller think the shorter plant is getting enough light?
Yeah, that's 100w equivalent only and on the pkg it came in probably says something like puts out 1200 lumens or so if I remember right. You'll need more light than that

This. 3 of those should do .. hang them as close to the plant as possible without touching the leafs. Make sure they are 6500K color temp. for veg.

Maybe the coloration is nitrogen deficiency ... but given how I just murdered 2 plants with fertilizer, dont take my word for that :p

You mentioned the other plant doing fine .. what is the difference between the two regarding soil, temp, where the light is, etc. ? (pic would be awesome)

Edit: I swear the rest of this page wastn there when I replied :/ This seems already sorted :p
You need about 4000 lumens minimal for 1 sq foot, don't go out an buy a big 200watt cfl when you can get more lumens out of four 36watt and the electricity is cheaper too cos they still don't add up to 200 watt. But those are just my thoughts. ;)
Alright, I think I'll just go the easy way and get a 250 watt or a 400 watt metal halide, do you know how many lumens those are?
Alright, I think I'll just go the easy way and get a 250 watt or a 400 watt metal halide, do you know how many lumens those are?

a 400w MH will emit initially about 36k and a corresponding HPS will initially emit about 55K. This one comes complete w/one bulb of each for $157 plus S&H: iPower Grow Light 400W HPS/MH Dimmable 6" Cool Tube XL Reflector Set - HOT - Best Value

and this one comes with both bulbs for $107 + S&H: iPower Grow Light 400W HPS/MH Dimmable Basic Wing Reflector Set
Sweet, I think I might get the 157$ one, also, one of my plants that I have been watering a lot had some green stuff on the top of the soil, I noticed it today, what is it?..
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