My sister in law is a


New Member
I'm an easy going person most of the time. I try to treat people with respect and courtesy but this woman is pushing me over the edge. Right now I'm not smoking because I'm looking for a new job. She always nags at me about my "illegal" activity, has done it for years. She drinks about a 12 pack a day and pops vicodin like candy. I don't judge folks for what they choose to get through life but I can never come up with the perfect thing to say when she starts in. any Ideas?
I try my best to ignore her comments. I'm pretty sure it makes her feel better about her problem when she convinces herself that what I do is worse because it's illegal. actually I have quit for over 3 months to find a new job with no side effects ( except I miss it so much ) I doubt she could pull that off. I do feel sorry for her I'm pretty sure she's addicted. If she could give up all that stuff and take up this she would be much better off but she wont even try it.
To bad she won't try, it helps kick certain addictions. Not sure which ones..
from my experience,those who pop pills generaly dont know what they are talking about. and there is nothing you can do or say to change their mind.they dont realize , that 90% of the time they dont even know what they are saying. i understand that some folks need their meds. but here, it is a leagle way of getting stoned. so with farmasuiticle companies raking in top dollar along with insurance companies, it is never looked down upon.thats why their uninformed justifications are never questions. also what you said about the alcohol,those things are not ment to be mixed , trust me i know . i deal with this on a daily basis with friends , and there is no way to be polite about it. and to top it off they are smoking weed. i have no ground to present my argument, because they are on a different level , therfor i am negated. and also i do not want to pass judgement on anyone cause i am very far perfect. i feel like a douce bag for pointing this out , but if it is about you , there is no way that you could read it or understand it. so therefore i should be safe.
i say just brush it off, and smoke something. dont sweat the small things. everyone has their opinions and beliefs. they cant change yours and you shouldnt change theirs . live your life they way you want and let others live theirs the way they want. I have plenty of people tell me that i shouldnt be smoking and try to convince me not to. but i still am. i am a grown man, and as long as my morals are in line and im not hurting anyone. then let me be.
I used to be addicted to pills. Almost cost me my wife & family. I can tell you that reasoning with your sister in law will most likely be futile. In my experience, a pill popper only cares about 2 things:

1) Do i have enough pills right now? and 2) where am I going to get more pills?

Some people are capable of weening themselves off of the addiction, and I hope your sister in law is one of those. However, I think most people need a reality check in order to quit successfully. If I hadn't had that 'moment of clarity', i'd still be on the pharms, one step closer to liver failure and completely doped out so I didn't care about anything except #'s 1 and 2 above.

You're in a very tough situation. Perhaps you could get your sister in law to chill out by offering her some cookies or brownies with weed in them, instead of smoking it? Of course, be open and tell her.

Last resort, show her all the testimonials found on MJ forums about how MJ has changed peoples lives for the better, fought their addictions, and improved their lives. MJ helped me quit smoking cigs cold turkey(after 20 years), helped me get off the pills cold turkey (although I did spend 4-5 days curled up in a ball in my bedroom, MJ helped tremendously), and has helped me deal with my chronic pain and other physical limitations and issues that the pills were supposed to deal with.

Best of luck,

-Creeper :joint:
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