Need alot of help


New Member
ok...i have a prob... im a new grower and messed up BAD! first i planted my plant in a shaddy spot outside...doesnt get full sun....but its still today i thought i would cut off the leaves ( pretty much all of them) so the flowers could get more sun....then i did some readin on here and found out i did a BAB BAD thing! is it to late for my plant....can i bring it in and put light to it now....just frustrated and dont know what to do now!
Cut down or blow up whatever makes that spot shady. ;)

Seriously, you will most likely need to leave it be. Post a pic of the spot and plant so we can see your dilemma.
A light dose of B1 and/or superthirve can help reduce the shock from MOD. (manual overzealous defoliation :))
thank you gonna try and post a pic... just wish i had a before pic so you could see how pretty she was.... what i did should be concidered abuse!!! lol i have read so much good info on here since i did what i did, just wish i found this site sooner... a lot of you are such amazing growers and i can learn so much. sad but excited :) live and learn its what i do best.... lesson #1 = no shaddy spots .. lesson #2 = no cutting the leaves (never mind all of them) ok 2 lessons down only 418 more to go!!! lol... again thank you for the help...hoping i get a least something!!!
Depending on its size, you could MAYBE take a cut or two for cloning. Don't do it though, let it try and recover some first at least.
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