Need help with a DIY project!


New Member
Hey all, I'm in a bit of a bind and would appreciate any help I can get on this topic. The short story: I am a medical patient growing and harvesting my own medicine for the very first time. I constructed a room in my garage, but it has warranted unwanted attention and I find myself needing to move my babes into a relatively smaller space: a bedroom closet.

The closet is roughly 8'4'' wide by 5'10'' tall by 2'5'' deep. Basically just big enough to accommodate my batch of veglings and the two 4' fixtures with standard indoor plant bulbs with which I've been lighting them, with space for a divider in the middle (for whatever various purposes may arise). The largest plant is just over a foot tall (above ground).

I'm on a tight budget and I basically need any info I can get on remaining investments I must make before harvest, steps I need to take, and pitfalls I need to avoid. For starters, I plan on coating the closet walls in aluminum foil unless someone has a better suggestion. Problems I will be facing down the line include odor control and flowering--the two fixtures are connected with only a single power supply, so I won't be able to leave one on all the time for the plants I want to keep unflowered while the other is on a timer.

Please help!
Do not use aluminum foil - it creates hot spots. Instead use mylar. For a cheap solution go to a Dollar Store and buy a bunch of those shiny looking car window reflectors...these are made of mylar. Cut them up and sew them together and cover the walls with them. Or you can just buy a roll of mylar.

Did you say you are using standard plant bulbs? If you are using what I think you are talking about then you need to replace them ASAP. Those are not meant to grow MJ with. You need to get some Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL).

Things you also need is a way to get some fresh air in. Blow air out. Blow air around inside.

It seems like you have not done much reading honestly, I would suggest you to do some browsing and look at other peoples grow rooms and write stuff down.
Do not use aluminum foil - it creates hot spots. Instead use mylar. For a cheap solution go to a Dollar Store and buy a bunch of those shiny looking car window reflectors...these are made of mylar. Cut them up and sew them together and cover the walls with them. Or you can just buy a roll of mylar.

Did you say you are using standard plant bulbs? If you are using what I think you are talking about then you need to replace them ASAP. Those are not meant to grow MJ with. You need to get some Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL).

Things you also need is a way to get some fresh air in. Blow air out. Blow air around inside.

It seems like you have not done much reading honestly, I would suggest you to do some browsing and look at other peoples grow rooms and write stuff down.

Wow, these are some great ideas here.

I gotta agree with epicseeds, take some time to read up on how to grow the right way. You can't skimp on lighting or actually anything in your grow room. You need to make sure that you have the best conditions as that will ensure that your plants feel like they are in 'real' conditions.

I've found the best info in books:

"Marijuana Horticulture" - Cervantes - this is a favorite of mine.

Yeah, the boards are good too, when you're in trouble. The truth is that everyone has different ideas about how to setup a grow to make it work as well as possible

So, stick with reading some books first, then ask people here about how to ramp things up.

But yeah, take some time to learn before you jump in - especially with a do it yourself project.

^ agreed. Take the time to learn. Its really hard for us to come up with a good solution for you if we don't have a good pic of the room.

Is there a door on your closet or room? Something else to keep in mind is your plants will at least double or triple in size during the flowering process. Knowing this will allow you to figure out when you can start the flowering process. What kind of indoor plant bulbs are you using? In addition, you can also just paint the walls in your closet a flat white paint. That does not work as well as mylar, but it will do if you are on a budget.
if i am not mistaken columbia is really close to St louis why dont you go to worms way any tell them you are growing some veggy's-tomato, orka, something like that and they can show you what to do, just be discreet and i learned the hard way DONT TALK ANBOUT ADVANCE NUTES the guy started getting upset when i asked about AN but he did show me somethings about grow indoors though
Do not use aluminum foil - it creates hot spots. Instead use mylar. For a cheap solution go to a Dollar Store and buy a bunch of those shiny looking car window reflectors...these are made of mylar. Cut them up and sew them together and cover the walls with them. Or you can just buy a roll of mylar.

Mylar is great...for a little while. It's refectivity drops dramatically as the surface gets dirty or sprayed with water, etc. And it doesn't clean well at all. A better choice is flat white paint. It has better light diffusion and a high refectivity rating that is almost equal to clean, new mylar and it doesn't degrade. You can get it with a mold inhibitor in it as well. Take a look at a top level industrial mylar, only flat white paint. :)
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