Need help with temperature control


New Member
Im trying to find a cheap portable air conditioner for my room its 10ftL /5ftw /7ftt so i dont think I need anything to big any advice helps thank you
You do know even with a portable room ac unit you will have to use an outside the window exhaust system. As you will be putting something out the window one way or the other a window unit 5,000 BTU's to me would be the best option. Your room is 50 sqft as posted and yes the type and number of lights will affect this but a 5,000 BTU unit is rated for 100-150 sqft or 2x or 3x your room size and usually even when you consider things that affect room air conditioning (direct sun light through windows, next to kitchen wall with oven on it, south or west facing they usually recommend increments in 20% ranges and again you are within specs to me. Now, cost wise; a portable cost usually $200 - $300 while a 5,000 BTU at HD/Lowes/Best Buys usually run $119. By the way the portable one you'll also have to empty the drain pan regularly as the exhaust out the window isn't the moisture generated by the cooling unit!
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