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I know this should probably be in the kitchen but its not really medical and I wanted help fast. I am going to make Thc pills and theres a recipe on here that says grind to a fine dust then put in the freezer. If I don't do this will it affect the potency significantly or no?
Well I put a gram and 1 oz olive oil in and it wasnt getting like tar after like 4 min in the microwave so I added another like .4 and put in for another like 3 or 4 min and still no tarishness. So I called it quits and put it in the freezer. We'll see how it goes. What'd I do wrong? I followed the 1/8th to 4 oz ratio and still nothing. The weed got super brown and dark I hope I didn't burn it. It doesn't smell burnt or anything.
i didnt know u could make weed into pills, i thought thc pills were synthetic?
Reefer2me said:
i didnt know u could make weed into pills, i thought thc pills were synthetic?

I'm pretty sure the real pills are synthetic. Putting weed in a pill and then taking it would be just like eating the weed, not like the pills. Seems like a waste of time to me. Just smoke. I can't even think of a good reason to process some weed and put it in a pill.
LIKE.....make thc oil and put it in gel caps???
Ya and there was a recipe in the kitchen that involves grinding weed fine and putting it in the freezer then next day in olive oil then microwave and it turns into a goo and u put it in capsules. I deffinately did it rong good thing i only used like 1.4 grams of midz. I am gonna try again only follow directions exactly.
That sounds like you'll be taking ur THC vitamins!! yea try again, would it be the same high as when you eat MJ?
Ya its suppose to be. Also figured out his capsules were 3 times bigger than mine so. I am gonna try again and follow the steps exactly and hope it works.
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