Need some help please


Active Member
Soil : regular garden soil
Ph : tap water (ph is fine for growing since this is my 2nd growing)
nutrients : yes (mixing with water and watering whenever soil is well dried)
stage : veg. stage
strain : unknown
pesticide : yes sprayed 7 days ago it's going well
problem : have some brown spots on the plant anyone knows what it might be?
i'm checking for mites under leaves , can't see anything
air circulation is pretty well since i'm growing outdoors and there's plenty of air around it


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Hi Apolo420...... Looks like you may have a potassium deficiency starting with the browning rust spots on your plant with the drying tips. What is the ph of your soil? Hows the drainage? What type of nutrients are you using?
Hi Apolo420...... Looks like you may have a potassium deficiency starting with the browning rust spots on your plant with the drying tips. What is the ph of your soil? Hows the drainage? What type of nutrients are you using?
well i bought some nutrients from a gardener , he's not much professional but he has a big garden and he gave me the same nutrients he uses , can't decide the ph to be honest coz I'm using tap water but I don't think ph is a problem since I've grown before with the same water I'm using now , drainage is good in my pot
well i bought some nutrients from a gardener , he's not much professional but he has a big garden and he gave me the same nutrients he uses , can't decide the ph to be honest coz I'm using tap water but I don't think ph is a problem since I've grown before with the same water I'm using now , drainage is good in my pot
Is it the same strain you grew last time? If your ph is off in your soil it could cause problems with the up taking of the nutrients to your plant the food might all be there for the plant, but she can't take it in cause the ph level is off causing you some deficiencies. I'd test your ph to see what it is anyway so you can rule that out as an issue for sure. :)
Is it the same strain you grew last time? If your ph is off in your soil it could cause problems with the up taking of the nutrients to your plant the food might all be there for the plant, but she can't take it in cause the ph level is off causing you some deficiencies. I'd test your ph to see what it is anyway so you can rule that out as an issue for sure. :)
what's the ideal ph for the veg stage? thanks for your answers tho
what's the ideal ph for the veg stage? thanks for your answers tho

I believe 6.0-7.0 ph for soil.

Me personally I always aim for between 6.3-6.7 ph. So no matter what I wont be locking out nutes. Aim small, miss small.

I had/have a K def as well, across all 6 of my plants, that I am working on, mine was caused by salt build up in the roots. Remember that potash, calcium, and magnesium are antagonistic to each other; as the intake of one of them increases, the intake of the others decreases. So excess Cal/Mag in the soil can stop the K uptake

If you can find your water company's annual water quality report it would be super helpful for you and us to see if you should add anything to your regimen
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