Need some help


New Member
Any idea what is causing this?
Any idea what is causing this?

Hello threre, can you provide some basic info, strain, lighting, soil, nutes, ver or flower, room temps ect. The more info you can give us the better we can try and help, personally thinking nutes but with all the info make it hard, also check out the plant pest and problems has some good info on nutrients, Peace OG.

Any pests????
The reddish-purple stems and curled up leaves would suggest to me that you are having a nutrient lockout issue, this is caused by your soils ph level being either to high or to low. Ideally you want your soil ph to be between 6.0 and 6.8, I prefer my soil at 6.5 this way if it flucuates alittle it stays in the desired range. If you are adding nutes I would stop until you get your ph in line as this will only make matters worse. Your soil mix looks a bit dry especially around the edges of your pot be sure to water the entire soil area and not just the area around your main stem, make sure you have good drainage.
Your internode spacing seems quite far apart are you keeping your plant close enough to your light? I shoot for 1/2" spacing between internodes this produces fatter bigger buds.

Good luck!
Maybe a potassium Defic.?? But yeah check your PH first if its between 6.3 - 6.8 or so it should be ok.. Then look at what/how much youre feeding? Let us know what youre feeding em and we may be able to help. Do not over feed with nutes, usually a flush and say quart strength regular food will be ok for them. Best of luk. Smokemup
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