New Grow

Ok ok im from cali 2. But u didnt have to force flower on her we got perfect weather for growing weed. She would have finished naturally on her own and in the ground give a HalfP easy each plant
Yeah I got a few plants coming up gonna get them some big pots making a little corral for them gonna wrap it in some chicken wire leaving one opening gonna place some stakes in there aswell so I can just run garden wire off chicken wire through the stakes for a SCROG type deal and the ones I have currently kind of just went into flower on their own instead of stopping it I'm gonna just let them finish up since I have a pretty good amount coming up I kind of just used my first ones for all around practice gonna see how this 12/12 plays out then gonna be my first time harvesting trimming etc I know now how to keep them in veg longer so I plan to keep the new ones in veg until August they been up since May 15
Yeah I got a few plants coming up gonna get them some big pots making a little corral for them gonna wrap it in some chicken wire leaving one opening gonna place some stakes in there aswell so I can just run garden wire off chicken wire through the stakes for a SCROG type deal and the ones I have currently kind of just went into flower on their own instead of stopping it I'm gonna just let them finish up since I have a pretty good amount coming up I kind of just used my first ones for all around practice gonna see how this 12/12 plays out then gonna be my first time harvesting trimming etc I know now how to keep them in veg longer so I plan to keep the new ones in veg until August they been up since May 15
Sounds good . Yeah u will get some monsters out of them for the whole season veging
So today I transplanted my 6/6 Cotton candy kush plants they look super light green was doing some reading and what came to mind was nute deficiency but I gave them a good amount along with all my other plants in solo cups and they're doing great so I thought well maybe the roots need more room. . . . Hmmmm I didn't think they would be this beasty but the roots look great will be transplanting everything in the solo cups next week into 1 gal pots they should be ready to top in a couple days too
After transplant and befor transplant the 6 CCK were looking droopy 3 of them got really bad with brown and yellow leave I think the cause was the roots just didn't have any room and were getting really hot temps were about 90 and they were on the floor and even I couldn't Stand on the concrete with out burning my feet so the 1 gal pots are sure helping all around plants look like they're making a come back all the other plants that started in solo cups are looking great gonna transplant them in a few days theyre drinking up the water pretty quick giving them emerald green nutes grow A+B and Root Wiz that shit was expensive but I honestly think it's the best shit I have for them I also have a fertilizer that has good NPK ratio getting talked into buying worm casting I personally wanted to try bat guano but most likely going with the worm had a small casualty yesterday with my plant a deodorant fell off my dresser and snapped a whole branch of one of my flowering plants but oh well can't glue it back on the big cotton candy is super leafy I wanna prune it but not sure if that would even help got my wifey a plant as a gift the stems have had purple since we got it but not as bad there is still new growth on there tho green too
Transplant day finally came around all the plants were completely dried out got them some fresh 1 gal pots with some coco and fertilizer need a few more pots and some more coco I wanna buy a few 15 gal smart pots start the few that didn't get a 1 gal ones in those see how they differ in growing gonna transplant from 1 gal pots 15 gal
Been about 3 days since transplant I have coco coir I mixed with fertilizer and they look like they enjoyed it forgot to do that for my CCKs so they are falling behind and also the CCK were root bound so they took a lil time to make a come back but all my plants are looking great I have only had 1 loss so far and that when I was keeping them in my room a solo cup tipped and bent that seedling it was a done deal no come back and I have 2 that really were suffering either from the sun being to much or they were root bound they were the first to show up out of the dirt and make leaves but fell behind I think it has a lot to do with the small ass pots they had because now the ones in the solos passed them and are striving beyond belief but the ones in the solos had shitty lighting for 3 weeks before I moved them outside that's why they're so long lmao they were really trying to reach some light and my LST tangie looks like a bonsai tree but doing amazing and then the one with purple leaves I took all them shits off cause I couldn't stand looking at it all now it's naked but the new growth is what reallly maters
Lookin goood g

Thanks homies I'm putting together a budget for a indoor grow since I know I can grow for sure now only planning to grow 6 or 4 at a time to ensure quality would you recommend anything , lights , grow tents, fans, etc grow house things I wanna spend a good chunk of that budget on the best lighting I can
Fertilized my CCK yesterday and plants looked dry today so I gave them all nutes 1 tbsp part A grow 1 tbsp Root Wiz by Emerald Harvest mixed in 5 gal water I think the fertilizer helped a lot with my other plants can't wait to up put to really put my theory to test everything is showering growth from the toppings even purple stem plant haha so since some of the plants were a little dry leaves are a little droopy but happy with every single one at those point
So I got the green house set up and the plants are loving it finally not getting beat up by sun and burning turning toast just dealing with pest but plants are all at same different stages right not due to being stunned others took the heat better then others also I lost z few big plants due to not being watered I was gone for 2 weeks but I still have many survivors and I hope to wAtch them strive
Hope all is well in your world.

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