New Guy

Welcome to 420, :welcome:such a peaceful and informative site.

You've found a very helpful site, well versed in knowledge about growing, legalization, medical uses, and even info on cooking with herb! Indoor, Outdoor, Soil, or Hydro (I'm a bubbles grower) CFLs, or HID lights, it is ALL here!

And the most helpful MODs you've ever met! Just ask one or any member here for guidance! Look for The Butcher, Pit Viper, or Mostly Crazy, they are very knowledgable. OldMedicineMan has a great thread of information too! :thumb:

The home Page is divided into Forums with Topic Titles. Those Forums are divided into THREADS, and those THREADS are divided into POSTS. You started a THREAD in the Forum INTRODUCE YOURSELF and the replies are additonal POSTS in your THREAD.
I wish someone had explained that to me my first day.

Peace I hope to see you around the forums. :peacetwo:
Hi thc4thc, :welcome: to the 420Magazine forums.
Thankyou for joining the cause! :thanks:
What cause? 420 has been creating cannabis/hemp awareness for almost 2 decades. :grinjoint: :cheer:
And now you are part of this too.
Need a question answered? Just ask.
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420 Contests
I'll see you around the place.
Hey there thc4thc:welcome:to 420Mag we are dedicated to spreading Cannabis Awareness and Wisdom across the globe. :thanks:for joining our Family and we are all glad you dropped in to say "Hello!"
If we can be of any assistance just ley us know. Hanging out here with the family is like a Sunday afternoon fly fishing on The Peninsula with some tasty buds and a cold beer! It's all good and NO Drama here my MMMJ Friend. I am from RI and also MMJ let me know whats up and I will steer you in the right direction. I see my friend Roseman has hinted at some terrific members who love to grow and would love to see you drop in. Stay in touch thc4thc and pm me anytime.:cool::smokin::grinjoint:
+Rep to get u going
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