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hi everybody.this is my first indoor growing.i grow in closet,with cfl 150w real power(1x30,1x40,1x80)i still dont know the sex,and i hope will be female.i still dont have a temperature and humidity meter-i am waiting for one of that.that probelm with the leaves go down i think is by overwatering.i just read question is-does it look ok my plant in 4 weeks veg?i mean for the height and the whole process-does it grow properly.thanks
Coming along good! An over watered plant will have healthy looking leaves but they will droop and curl downwards almost as if they have too much water weight for the stem to support. Under watered plants will have yellow leaves that are brittle, wilted, and lifeless. How often do you water? Your top leaves look great, the plant itself looks great!

i put 200-250 ml water almost everyday and this is first time to see the leaves droop downwardas.i wanna know does the plant
looking good as a 4 weeks old plant.
i put 200-250 ml water almost everyday and this is first time to see the leaves droop downwardas.i wanna know does the plant
looking good as a 4 weeks old plant.

Yeah looks good for 4 weeks. Just a tip for watering, if you can saturate it until there's run off and then wait till the top inch of soil is dry and repeat the process. You'll never worry about over/under watering. Just my 2 cents. Plant looks great!

thanks i will transplant tommorow amd have a plan to switch the lights in flowering mode afyer one week of transplantation.does it
proper?my plan?
what do u think about cropping this plant immediately after transplant?is a good idea or to wait few days
i already cropped my plant!now i wanna know: to topp my plant this day and transplant after one week or just to wait one week to pass,to transplate and then topp?
I would give a week after transplant to crop. Ideally you won't put her in a lot of street. Let that ladies grow another 6 to 12ins and then flower. Mines a tad bit in front of yours.
but i already cropped 2 branches yesterday and today it seems ok-they start to stretch oppinion is to wait one another day and transplant.the picture is from today.
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