New Light On Plants


New Member
How Close Can I Put The Light On My Girls? Is It A Bad Idea To Put Sedling Under An Hps Light Or Should I Wait Longer..i Have An Hps 400 Watter.
Vintner is correct a HPS is for flower and a MH is for veg growth. If you dont have a MH light to use I suggest you get some floros to veg with insted of using the HPS.
vintner said:
HPS is for flowering, not veg.

That's not true. HPS can produce a higher yield because of more available lumens. All it means is the MH has a more "summer like" spectrum to the light. that's all. HPS will grow and flower very efficiently.

As to distance from the plants...put the back of your hand between the light and the plant and if it doesn't burn your hand you're OK. Drop it until it's too hot for your hand.
My past grows I've used MH for Veg and HPS hortilux for flower. This grow I've done something different due to lack of space. I used my HPS lights for vegging as well as flowering. I must say, these babies are growing like there's no tomorrow. I did add CO2 to the grow too, so I'm sure that has alot to do with it as well.:hmmmm: . Hortilux HPS has blue spectrum in it as well so I can't say I've tried normal HPS bulbs.

They do say that MH will help keep your nodes closer together (less space between branches). Makes for a bushier plant. Can't say I agree with that cause I've grown different strains basically every grow so far. I got nothing to compare it too.
is there a time when yu have to decide if your lant is too leggy due to streching and should yu void the plant.reason i ask is because i was growin my girls under flcs and one has grown 1 ft. with no bottom leaves she has all the top leaves an since i put the new light shes griown ridiculously in a day and a 1/2
You know...I need to set something straight here. I've used both metal halide and HPS all the way through at least 10 grows each. I started out with MH's and grew exclusively with them for at least 3 years before getting a HPS. The HPS versus MH debate here is BS. Both will grow great bud from start to finish. If you have a HPS, use it. If you have a MH, use it. There are no reasons to buy special bulbs or alternate ballasts when a light that will work perfectly well is already in your grow room. I myself stopped using MH and went with a straight HPS because I got tired of having to run new cords at every switch over from 18/6 to 12/12. If you read Georges Cervantes, Ed Rosenthal or just about every other self proclaimed experts books you will recieve the same answer I'm giving. Either light will work to grow great bud with. Neither has an decisive advantage over the other either. One has more lumens while the either promotes less stretching and so on. BOTH WORK!
I agree with those who said HPS works just as well as MH for veg.
I used to switch from MH (veg) to HPS for flowering until I decieded to go with straight HPS and it worked great.
I now use full-spectrum bulbs in my HPS fixtures.
According to the Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green: How close to put lights?
"Try this simple, common sense test; if you can hold your hand under the light at the height of the plant top and not feel discomfort,then your plants should do OK. If you feel discomfort, so too should your plants."

Also: "Some growers will use an MH setup for seedlings and veg and an HPS setup for flowering. If you can afford only one setup, we reccomend HPS lighting since it is best for flowering."

Since I only have one HID setup, I have started seedlings under CFL's and then introduced the HPS while they were still pretty small.
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