New piece inside out beauty

Check out the new addition... i forget who the blower is i will check tomorrow and post cause he deserves props this heavy ass bitch is solid. It hits like a champ too. Inside out art and the bowl itself is sick. The down stem is built in .. i could add a diffuser but i like the way it now. it retails at 298 + tax my boy hooked me up for 200 :roorrip:









YouTube - 050809newpiece 010
Nice to see such a beautifule piece already put to use!
The colors and patterns are very striking. I like the green/orange combo.

Not sure how I feel about a built-in downstem though, as I am a clean freak. :grinjoint:

+Rep for good glass.
checked again its not built in it has a rubber gasket its just huge like i could fit another stem inside of it!!

I'm a "glass-on-glass" kind of guy myself, but your new toy does look very nice.
me too but i dont think the bowl could fit this close to the piece if the downstem was glass on glass too... some of my other pieces are all glass on glass and that is the best way to go for quick disasembly and clean. i have to agree
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