new to growing


New Member
Okay I am new to growing, I am just going to experiment and next year this time I will be growing for real, but I just planted some seeds, one was white, and the other 3 were like a brown with some green( dont know if this matters) how long will it take for the plants male or female to pop up from the soil???
Did you plant them inside in a pot or outside in the ground?

If inside............keep the pot/soil warm. Around 70 to 72 degrees would be ideal. Water the soil so its really moist and just let it dry out on its own. There needs to be enough moisture for the seed to soak and eventually pop open. (but not drowning) As soon as the seed pops out of the dirt..........get it under a compact flor. light or near a window but out of direct sunlight. (it'll be very delicate at first)

Hope that helps.
okay the seeds split, what happened?? I found one the was still whole, so I put it in a moist napkin and put it in a plastic bag... How long will it take until its ready to plant 2-3 days????
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