Newbie not sure about yellowing seedling


Well-Known Member

HI all, I'm new here and quite new to growing, hope this post is in the right spot.
I have some yellowing starting to appear at the base of the rounded leaves, its hard to see in the photo.
should i be worried about this?
ok, this seems to be the wrong place for this, i tried the forums but cant find the button to make a post like i did here. Any help would be apprieciated thanks
:welcome: OzbudboY to :420:

I have moved this thread to FAQs, which should get you more support.

PS If you can provide more information - medium, lighting, nutes (I hope not yet - too early) etc, our members will be able to give you solid feedback. Meanwhile, a little cotyledon yellowing is not too worrying. But they look a little stretched. You may want them closer to the light (but don't burn them).

I would not worry about it. They look fine to me. The rounded leaves are not true leaves, and they may die off pretty fast after the true leaves appear. The cotyledon leaves can get seed coats and film stuck on them, they can burn pretty easy (from water stress, too much nitrogen, or too much heat), and they can fade fast. I would note that they are kind of tall, and stretching for the light.
Thanks for the tips, I wasn't sure when to introduce light to the seedlings and I think that's why they are stretched. I realize now just how good they look because I just germinated some white widow with a new humidity dome and heat mat. I'm worried about how yellow these ones are.
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