Non-composted manure from minks?


Well-Known Member
At the last Indo-Expo I attended in Denver there was a company called Sconny Green that was giving out samples of their manure fertilizer from minks. They handed me 2, 10 lb satchels. Last spring I decided to try some of it in a couple of my plants. I was expecting to find pelletized manure similar to what you get with chicken litter but when I opened it, I was shocked to find fresh, moist "shit"!, that actually looked like human feces! And the smell was god awful! They warned me about the smell but it was 100 times worse then I expected. Needless to say, I just threw that satchel away and didn't use it. Luckily our trash day was the next day because it literally stunk up the whole neighborhood. Neighbors were all asking where that horrible smell was from that night and morning and I just played dumb!

I still have the other satchel. It must be one hell of a air tight plastic bag because you can't smell it at all! Would there be any value in trying this stuff or is it just a total no go? Their website shows the nutrient break down and has side by side plant comparisons that make it look impressive.
I would not use it unless it was composted first, and even then, according to what I read, it is not as good as compost made from horse/cow (herbivores). Who knows what that "stink" will attract while it's composting. Last year a couple of us bought a pallet of frozen mink carcasses from a place in Canada, they worked great as dungeness crab bait in the traps! (they stunk too!)
Compost it in a vermi-compost bin. Cover it with straw or other inputs to keep the smell down.

It's the bag that is causing the problem with smell. You have anerobic bacteria doing their thing phewwww that smells.

Try a bucket of water and put 10 dandelions in there with roots cover and come back in a few days to a week you will have the same smell. It's not bad per-se but you cant use it direct into you soil it needs to be composted.

Edit: There are dangerous for hoo-man microbes going crazy so do not get any on you or your clothes etc.... its poisonous. E-coli is not for hoo-man consumption do NOT make a compost tea with that stuff.
Here is the website of this stuff: I think the smell just makes it impossible to use because I could literally smell it from blocks away the night I opened it and then threw it away and I even had stuck it in a plastic trash bag and tied the opening into a tight knot! It would be really good to use to get revenge on someone you didn't like! LOL! I would hate to have that dumped into my yard!

What I don't understand is why this company thinks its a good Idea to sell this stuff "raw"like they do? There probably would be some good benefit to it if it was composted. I just don't trust it enough to compost it myself. For all I know, it could just be bagged up human poop and they are just saying it's mink poop!
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