Odd challenge for anyone with a good eye: Can’t recall my medium ratio


420 Member
I’ve been looking far & wide for my old notes, but without any luck, so I can’t completely recreate my previous efforda, however I was hoping someone with a good eye for soil & dirt composition would be able to presume what amount of which I must have used :)

Here’s a image of the gorgeous lady, I hope its clear enough to tell, I used Coco, Perlite & I’m pretty sure I had it mixed with soil, then a few cm of clay pebbels in the bottom.

My guess would be 10% perlite, 65% Coco Coir & 25%light Biobiz Soil

I remember hand watering with plain water & feeding every second day in between, with temperatures around 26.8 - 27.1c & a 47-51% Relative Humidity during vegging.

Compared to other mixed mediums I’ve worked with this one had quite a firm surface.
Thank you very much, it was one of my experiments grown a couple years ago, switched to hydro a year after that.
While that was also a great success,
I accidently lost my old notes.

I just dusted everything off & setup my equipment, ready to try a semi sealed room configuration.

First closet is a 250w CFL + 50w LED bulb
Then i have 2 x 600w medium sized adjust a wing lamps, 1 connected to a LXG ballast which can be adjusted atlower watts if needed & it simulates sunrise & sunset.

I have 2x 120x120cm tents, one of them is a Gorilla Grow Tent with extended height

I recently bought a industrial 400w LED intended for this new gorilla hydro grow, which is supplied by my newest investment: 2.4kw Solar System with a 5kWp battery bank.

This time I will be trying both methods but in a sealed co2 enriched environment, as I’m limited to fresh air & it gets quite hot in my room, with or without lamps running.

So I actually got a 600w leftover & two small 400w lamps, which I thought about putting to use in a fourth room.

But for now I just need to make sure the golden ratio of correct soil will be used, and most importantly, maintain the Humidity of the co2 boosted Sealed room experiment.

I made a ventilation box in the same closet as the first Room with the250w CFL inside.
Put a carbon filter and a fan to blow into the closet, which supplies the hydro tent, which then supplies the 600w tent.
Both tents got a carbon filter and fan attached to blow out into the room, and so the rotation continues.

Very excited to get my hands dirty again
Crap man - that’s the setup there. Input output input output and so on. Cool deal on the solar - you should run 24/0 for a while just to test capacity. I’d love to add co2 but not possible at this time. Sure would be nice to watch plants in that environment take off.

Hang out here for a while and add a new comment every day or so until you get enough keen eyeballs to look at that soil mix. There are many experts here that easily supersede my small skill set, I just wanted to jump in and get the ball rolling.
Thanks ! I’ve spend the last few days preparing stuff, had to clean up a setback this morning cause my crazy cat who is in heat made a mess all over the place, like owning a dog that chews on everything and litters all over your home
Alot of wasted time after I vacuumed, washed the floors, dusted off & organized it all.

I got a few hours left to prepare, since the seeds were popped last night in a small amount of water.
Hit the jackpot though, got 11 seeds out of a pack of 10
I’ve never tried autoflowers before, I’m excited to see how they are goingto get
Gotta find a dehumidifier I can hool up to this Hygro-Thermostat controller from GIB, still puzzling with some of the wiring, yet I managed to hook up a complete solar system on my own


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I had to replace the 250w cfl, it was suddenly only lit on one half, I instead got a whole new lamp with no extra cost.
however I forgot I had ordered a new small tent last year at winter, so the small ones have been moved into a completely fresh & clean setup.

Most of the seedlings have finally shown themself


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Thanks, yes, i think they are called t5’s?

They are taking off slowly, however one of them started greying its first set of leafs, and it seems like its spreading slowly to two others aswell, not sure what fungus that is haven’t had that issue before, it could be the soil thats inferior, cause it was half a bag of previous used soil I had stored.

Uncertain what to do, but reading up on it people mention hydrogen peroxide, which i got plenty of in the fridge.
That seems a little harsh to spray a mild solution of that directly onto the plant itself, the soil would be fine though.
But how about some chamomille? :D


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Alright, it really just looks like the first set of leafs have rottened in half on the first plant, or a fungus thriving, no new growth and it faintly looks like it have spread some spots among two others.
The humidity is pretty low, so I wouldn’t expect any inferior growth to thrive, especially not when the area is exposed to direct light. :D

But hopefully I can relax, I have a hard time to keep the temperature down, and get the humidity up, only have this one room running for now, but the season is getting colder, so that shouldn’t be an issue later on.

I might have to switch the position of that small tent, and the two bigger, to get appropiate Airflow, Temps & Humidity As follows: Propigation tent -> Closet(Mother) -> 120x120 600w Tent -> 120x120 400w LED Hydro Tent -> Ventilation box -> Recycle.
Yes the round leaves or cotyledons are a backup energy source for the seedling, they can stay green for a couple of weeks but if needed the plant can draw nutes (mobile nutrients) from those leaves and in doing so they become depleted of energy and turn brown.

If you think rh is too low then do what many others do here for cheap rh improvments... add a pan of water in the tent and hang a bath towel into the pan so it wicks up water, then point a fan at the towel and you add humidity back in.

Yes the serrated leaves dying off is not an encouraging sign, that seedling may die. However my soils fuzz up with what looks like a white spider web if I put trimmed leaves on top of soil. In my case I know it’s the microbe activity that’s responsible for the fuzz. I hope that’s whats going on with yours.

Can’t say on reconfiguring the setup but this I know - it’s not your first rodeo. It may have been a while but those skills will come back. You’ve got the gear, the expertise and support. Grow some hooch and carry on!
After treating tha infected sweetheart with diluted 10% hydrogen peroxide, a few droplets into a shot glas, I suppose thats 10cl water, then I just finger dupped the visible grey area, and watere her with it too, a few hours later is seems she have started to develope a faintly visible new green growth from the middle :)
A new set of leafs are hopefully on its way, that would most probably give her a better start into life <3
Just shut off the lights for a moment, letting them cool down before firing them up again.

It should increase the humidity significantly, third time hanging up a wet cloth, but the ventilation runs constantly, so it only increased the humidity from 38-42% with the lights on

They’ve been running on the grid since monday, will switch to the solar connection & see how the panels & battery bank will maintain it. 110w should be able to run for quite some time without draining it too much. :)
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