Old roots in soil


Well-Known Member
So just finished a run with 4 55g pots iv taken the main root ball out but still have all the tiny network of roots

Is there any thing i can put in to desolve them

An old timer told me about some stuff he pours in his bin of old soil but didnt say what it was

Can any 1 help
Don’t add anything to dissolve them, they are beneficial to the soil. This is where the microbes live, without a plant to support they will quickly diminish all by themselves. The old rootball can be added to a spare soil bin and covered with dirt so it will break down too. At the end of the season farmers plow stalks & root-balls into the ground to add nutrients back into the soil
With a 55g pot just dig a hole for the new transplant and leave all the old roots root ball and all in the soil. They break down and actually are extremely beneficial to the soil microbes the next plants.

Think about what's inside the roots. Aren't there nutrients already in a soluble form inside those roots? So microbes in the soil will turn that into soil organic matter.
I use cannazym to break them down :hmmmm: I'll let Google explain :rofl:...:goodluck:

CANNAZYM is a high-quality enzyme product that speeds up the process of breaking down dead root material and encourages beneficial micro-organisms. CANNAZYM also helps plants take up nutrients and increases the resistance against diseases. Enzymes are substances that speed up the reactions in living organisms

EDIT: I only use it in my organics :thumb:
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