Olive Frost


Well-Known Member
Just seein how my buds are coming along... So far biggest ones are maybe Greek Olive size...Most green olive size but showing some sparkles all ready and just started wk 3 of 9 Strawberry Eclair G13
Just seein how my buds are coming along... So far biggest ones are maybe Greek Olive size...Most green olive size but showing some sparkles all ready and just started wk 3 of 9 Strawberry Eclair G13
They look just right! Now is the time I start hitting them with koolbloom and sugaree! Get those girls swelling up with juicy resin!
Looks great brother, did you do any training?
Yes... the stretch got me.... This strain had insane stretch, almost triple height even after bending, stalk/stems not real bendable either, broke 3 so tape paper towel and some string fixed those. Plant was fimmed multiple t
Looks great brother, did you do any training?
oops, only part of my post went, none was supposed to, was on phone switched to pc.... hmmmm love technology...

So as I was saying, yes plant was trained, and fimmed, have 4x4 net above and at 12/12 switch I was well below net but due to how the stems/stalks were it was difficult bending them, I cold have done some real heavy training but the recovery time vs utility cost vs yield IMO wouldnt be worth it. But here is the garden, Strain on left is French Macaroon, strain on right is Strawberry Eclair, both Indica dominant.

"Strawberry Éclair has many phenos, from which the short one is Strawberry tasting Cookies and the taller one - Earthy Diesel with a perfect combination of both of the flavours. The taller the plant, the biggest yields will occur. Her perfectly balanced Indica - Sativa nature gives a nice high, without couch-locking side."

Wow, yea sometimes plants will triple stack on you but the girls look great.
I have a vent which goes into our sunroom which then vents outside, you have to go that way to let dog out, wife says she freaks out in the morning because (when she opens the slider where the vent exit is) she smells straight dog shlt and has to make sure she doesnt step in an accident, but its just my plants LOL YESSSSSS
When ever I brake a plant here and there I use Lac Balsam it bonds well with a rubber type shell.

Never saw that before what is it.
It's a puddy found in plant stores for protecting fresh cuttings, no need to vent outdoors my scrubber does the trick also I use Ona neutralisers does the trick no matter how many plants I grow usually 10 at a time.
It's a puddy found in plant stores for protecting fresh cuttings, no need to vent outdoors my scrubber does the trick also I use Ona neutralisers does the trick no matter how many plants I grow usually 10 at a time.
Thanks. :peace:
I have a vent which goes into our sunroom which then vents outside, you have to go that way to let dog out, wife says she freaks out in the morning because (when she opens the slider where the vent exit is) she smells straight dog shlt and has to make sure she doesnt step in an accident, but its just my plants LOL YESSSSSS
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