Plant dying! Please help ASAP! (PICS)


New Member
ok so this is my very first grow. im pretty sure it's just bagseeds but idk the plant was given to me at about a month old and im pretty sure its like 3 months old now. but i would hate for it to die at this point, especially since it is female. i really dont know to much about growing. i just water it every couple days. i know i should use fertelizer, but again this is just my first grow and am experimenting and dont know how to use fertelizer. some of the leaves have big brown spots and some are starting to shrivel....can anyone PLEASE tell me what the problem is here and what i can do to bring my baby back to life. You guys dont even know how much i would appreciate is some pics......:joint:






Re: Plant dying! Please help ASAP!! (PICS)

mag deficiancy + no food in the soil. personal suggestion, if that plant is 3 months old and was in that pot the whole time, its good as dead, i would throw it away and start over, read first get a good knowlage base and go from there.
Re: Plant dying! Please help ASAP!! (PICS)

DankCloset said:
mag deficiancy + no food in the soil. personal suggestion, if that plant is 3 months old and was in that pot the whole time, its good as dead, i would throw it away and start over, read first get a good knowlage base and go from there.

it was in a littler pot then that when i got it and then i put it in that about a month ago. so you think there is no way to save this thing? is it close to harvesting?? or do u think it will bud soon?

edit: BTW, what is mag deficiancy??
Re: Plant dying! Please help ASAP!! (PICS)

That plant is definately salvageable...You should flush it out with water.
1st off are there holes in the bottom of the pot so that it can drain? Definately flush it but not 2 much water. I would flush it w/ a gallon of water.
Re: Plant dying! Please help ASAP!! (PICS)

Smoky420 said:
it was in a littler pot then that when i got it and then i put it in that about a month ago. so you think there is no way to save this thing? is it close to harvesting?? or do u think it will bud soon?

edit: BTW, what is mag deficiancy??
go here and find out all about deficencies and what not. your plant is looking good, i say you transplant to a good 3 gallon bucket and give is some food then flush for harvest
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