Plant identity


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Wat type of weed plant do you think this will become? I’m a new grower from the city and im doing a inside grow. Blue 100W light (24 Hour), Home aid grow box, plastic Chinese store cup (pot), and miracle grow Potting soil. ‍♂️ No judging but I definitely need some constructive criticism and hacks I should try. Someone said this might grow as in indica. Start date of planting July 24th to Today’s Date.
Hi 215, welcome to 420, it's 8:12 now and 4 hours til oh zero hundred.

No judging but I definitely need some constructive criticism and hacks I should try
Nobody judges anyone here at :420: Everyone has their own reason for selecting the right grow that works for them. One thing I will say is that Miracle Grow is not going to have many nutes for the plant. It's intention is more for vegetables and it has a slow release where cannabis needs nutrients at the time of feeding.
Try not to over water. The most common mistake is overwatering. You want the plant to start searching for the water. If you need to water, lightly mist around the stem for now and once you up pot you'll want to get on a good watering schedule. Check my signature for a great link on watering plants in soil.
I'm not sure what type of water you are using, but make sure it's ph'd between 6.0 and 6.8. The ideal would be 6.5. Anything outside of that and as you plant gets older you risk locking out nutrients.
Finally, you shouldn't need to feed the plant any nutes until the third or fourth node have established themselves, and then use only 1/4 to 1/2 the mfr recommended dosage.

The blue 100w light is new to me. Most people will veg their plants at 18/6, lights on for 18, off for 6. The plants do need a rest so you should try and give them some. Again, I don't know what a blue light does other than tell me there is a special on aisle 4 at K-Mart. :) so maybe they need 24 hours light. I'm assuming you are using the low wattage lamp for the seedling, but it looks ready to go under higher lamps now if that was the plan. Just keep any high wattage bulbs high enough to not scorch the fragile thing.
Wow u explained everything to me and I’m thankful for all the useful information ! Questions tho! I have a big bag of the potting soil so instead of wasting it, is it possible I can add certain nutes into the soil and then transplant it out of my pot into a different one with the soil and nutes mixed? Because if I get a better light I wanna get a better everything so. And yes I believe I’m using a big metal desk lamp that bends (if you can imagine). But what type of Lightbulbs do I need? Also how would I kno which stems count as a node? Btw I did my research and found that every light spectrum in the sun effects the way plants grow. Blue light tends to help plants grow wider bushier, Red lights and the Other ones have their own objectives too. Check out my set up tho I’ll post pictures

Hi 215, welcome to 420, it's 8:12 now and 4 hours til oh zero hundred.

Nobody judges anyone here at :420: Everyone has their own reason for selecting the right grow that works for them. One thing I will say is that Miracle Grow is not going to have many nutes for the plant. It's intention is more for vegetables and it has a slow release where cannabis needs nutrients at the time of feeding.
Try not to over water. The most common mistake is overwatering. You want the plant to start searching for the water. If you need to water, lightly mist around the stem for now and once you up pot you'll want to get on a good watering schedule. Check my signature for a great link on watering plants in soil.
I'm not sure what type of water you are using, but make sure it's ph'd between 6.0 and 6.8. The ideal would be 6.5. Anything outside of that and as you plant gets older you risk locking out nutrients.
Finally, you shouldn't need to feed the plant any nutes until the third or fourth node have established themselves, and then use only 1/4 to 1/2 the mfr recommended dosage.

The blue 100w light is new to me. Most people will veg their plants at 18/6, lights on for 18, off for 6. The plants do need a rest so you should try and give them some. Again, I don't know what a blue light does other than tell me there is a special on aisle 4 at K-Mart. :) so maybe they need 24 hours light. I'm assuming you are using the low wattage lamp for the seedling, but it looks ready to go under higher lamps now if that was the plan. Just keep any high wattage bulbs high enough to not scorch the fragile thing.
Hi 215, welcome to 420, it's 8:12 now and 4 hours til oh zero hundred.

Nobody judges anyone here at :420: Everyone has their own reason for selecting the right grow that works for them. One thing I will say is that Miracle Grow is not going to have many nutes for the plant. It's intention is more for vegetables and it has a slow release where cannabis needs nutrients at the time of feeding.
Try not to over water. The most common mistake is overwatering. You want the plant to start searching for the water. If you need to water, lightly mist around the stem for now and once you up pot you'll want to get on a good watering schedule. Check my signature for a great link on watering plants in soil.
I'm not sure what type of water you are using, but make sure it's ph'd between 6.0 and 6.8. The ideal would be 6.5. Anything outside of that and as you plant gets older you risk locking out nutrients.
Finally, you shouldn't need to feed the plant any nutes until the third or fourth node have established themselves, and then use only 1/4 to 1/2 the mfr recommended dosage.

The blue 100w light is new to me. Most people will veg their plants at 18/6, lights on for 18, off for 6. The plants do need a rest so you should try and give them some. Again, I don't know what a blue light does other than tell me there is a special on aisle 4 at K-Mart. :) so maybe they need 24 hours light. I'm assuming you are using the low wattage lamp for the seedling, but it looks ready to go under higher lamps now if that was the plan. Just keep any high wattage bulbs high enough to not scorch the fragile thing.


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I have a big bag of the potting soil so instead of wasting it, is it possible I can add certain nutes into the soil and then transplant it out of my pot into a different one with the soil and nutes mixed?
The problem with that is you could over fertilize. As I mentioned MG is a time release formula and if your nute mix is high strength the roots could burn. I would continue to use the existing soil, but keep an eye on your plant as it gets older. It will tell you if and when it's starting to look for certain nutrients.
But what type of Lightbulbs do I need?
That's a loaded question and personal preference. Visit this thread here and ask all the questions you like. The pros in that area will assist or help guide you. Grow Lighting
Also how would I kno which stems count as a node?
Each new set of leaves, not the cotyedon, are considered a node. It looks like you are at the beginning of node 3
Blue light tends to help plants grow wider bushier, Red lights and the Other ones have their own objectives too.
It sounds like you want to go LED/Blurple which gives a full spectrum of those colors. Again, visit the forum I posted above.
Check out my set up tho I’ll post pictures
Very cool. That plants going to want a bigger home soon though. Nice work.
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