Please help, one last time. Freaking out.


New Member
Here's the deal. I hit (literally inhaled once, I think... I was a lil drunk) a joint twice last night, and hit a pipe twice last night. I don't hit that hard I don't think. I have a UA monday. I have a military style UA on Tuesday.

On New Year's Eve, I smoked a lot. Smoked two whole joints (of some fiiiire!) with two friends and hit the water pipe (hookah-style) like four times, probably more. Yesterday I tested clean on an ICUP (cup you pee in with the test built in.)

This morning I've been hungover as hell so I've been slamming water anyway. My friends gave me water pills, too. I know weed isn't water-soluble, but I figure it couldn't hurt. I passed my last test doing hardly anything but staying hydrated each day.

What do you guys think? I think I'm gonna go for a run later, too. Thanks for any advice. I'm 5 ft. 3 130 lbs, by the way. Seems fat, but I'm rather muscular for a chick.
Nevermind. Got a walmart drug test and passed today! I surely will pass on Monday and Tuesday, then. Yay!! I knew I didn't smoke that much!
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