Please Help! Week 3 Watering: Girl Scout Cookie Autos

that cool man!!! honestly and the way my plants look how much do you think i could get? or on average a beginner in coco what do they usually get a plant? and do you think i honestly am going to successfully finish having you guys help me and the way my mindset is right now? Also have you grown any XXL's????? and is that 5 to 8 ounces non topped?
Yeah, I got a xxl right now. Critical XXL auto. And mine could of used more light so will probably get about 2 zips off her. 5-8? Man I wish!
Yeah, I got a xxl right now. Critical XXL auto. And mine could of used more light so will probably get about 2 zips off her. 5-8? Man I wish!
i was thinking about trying the BCN Critical XXL as they say it does yield alot! this one guy said his first time growing BCN Critical XXL he got 10oz i was like wtfff!
i was thinking about trying the BCN Critical XXL as they say it does yield alot! this one guy said his first time growing BCN Critical XXL he got 10oz i was like wtfff!
@TheNuttyProfessor now i had this problem but my friend here in one of the comments in the thread said i should be okay but i still want other opinions i thought it was overwatering and no i checked for bugs i see like ONE gnat like every one or 2 days or so.. so i dont think there the problem what did i do? up close with circles around them so you can point your eyes right to the problem and heres the regular photos !


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keep doing what your doing , no full strength nutes yet , see if they straighten out for you , sometimes a fan blowing dry air can cause the twisty new growth , humidity etc , i think one good half strength proper feed with 15/20 % out the bottom will clear it up again , if this is coco its very dry you can do the whole pot now a proper soak
your fan leaves are the perfect colour so that is good ! the odd little spec might be condensation drips
Gnats , get something bright yellow rub on some vaseline and leave next to top of soil/coco , if there is gnats in the soil when they come out they will stick , then you know if you have more than one or two knocking around :)

1/4 strength I'm still running in coco , this was a stunted auto but shes growing ok

@TheNuttyProfessor im doing some of the methods you said now but i can tell you that it did spread more if you want to see pics lmk but im trying to find out the problem its crazy man
@TheNuttyProfessor the little specs are spreading and no the twisted growth is bouncing back foreal i think its because the humidity was high asf for a few days and i kinda didnt think it was bad then i found out it was bad and i probably did overwater too and i did add too many nutes to one feeding last week and thats when they started turning like that then i flushed it like 12 hours later then they just continued twisting but there bouncing back but the yellow stuff is spreading
i did that last week all that im telling you was like a week ago when i first made this thread and yes i flushed it with ph water at 5.8 and then i went back to my regular nutes which is right now 3ml cal mag 2.5 flora and gro and 1ml of bloom a gallon so i should be fine with that and im uploading photos right now
Here goes the girl scout cookies i hope you can help me help them :( lol


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then when i turn the veg light off and put my phone light behind the fan leave you can see like that part of the leave is like see through like almost transparent where those yellow things are kind of idk if that helps but with the light off though i cant really see it
some tap water contains enough calmag so watch out for that, too much calcium will leave marks like that also ,
have you a ppm metre if so check your tap water out of curiosity ,
i had to add due to being 41 ppm , MY WATER IS LIKE DISTILLED

Typical levels in tap water average around 150-400 PPM, but it can go much higher than that. Calcium and magnesium are minerals that plants need for healthy growth but in small quantities. When these minerals exist in high concentrations in tap water, they are of no benefit to plants and can cause severe harm instead
my PPM on my tap water is usually around 100 ppm so does that mean i shouldnt add calmag im about to get test it right now please stay tuned
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