Producing Feminized Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

And here we are. The final product.

Here we have the seeds of the unidentified strain.

And here we have the seeds fo the FI strain.

Like I mentioned earlier, the FI plant had a 2 week head start on veg but both plants went to flower at the same time. As a result, there are many more FI seeds than there are of the Unknown strain. Both plant did however produce a nice little bunch of seeds that I am excited to test, and will do so in about 4 weeks (when the clones come out of my box allowing me to do some slight modifications to the lighting and air flow), with all the worst looking ones. No point in hanging on to them, and if a couple sprout, all the better to test my modifications with.

So, as you can see, this really does work. And if you follow the information set out in this thread, you will end up with exactly what you are trying to get. Feminized seeds.

Best Wishes to all!
I wanna hear Granny has grown out some all female seeds. I know I need to catch up on this thread, I'm hoping Granny will yell at me when some show sex. I'm talking the F-1 generation. Thanks Granny Best to ya and
Keep em Green
Hello all, and a ton of thanks for all of the valuable info shared on this site and in this thread. I've read this whole thread little by little, and finally registered here today.

I'm new at growing my medicine, and have been following advice and instructions here trying to produce some feminized seeds from my strawberry haze for future plants. I have two plants that are clones from the same mother. One is 24 days into the 12/12 light cycle, and one is 17 days in. The one that's at 24 days has had 2 branches sprayed with colloidal silver every day beginning the day before I changed the light cycle. The remainder of the plant was not sprayed at all, nor was the 2nd plant. Depending on if and how much pollen I can collect, I'd like to try to pollinate female flowers on the same plant, and also some of the other back up female.

I have a question concerning when to stop spraying silver. Is there a window of time? Is there a problem stopping too soon or continuing too long? The branch that's been sprayed is clearly different and changing, but I'm not sure what I'm looking at. The pistils have all turned brown or disappeared on the sprayed site. Will the male pollen sacs be a part of new growth, or does the pod that the pistil initially came out of turn male? I'm attempting to include a photo of a sprayed top and a not sprayed one.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to whether or not I should continue spraying. Pics are at 21 days into flowering.

Thanks in advance, and I hope I'm not out of line jumping in here.

Actually thanks for coming into the thread. I have read the whole thread from the beginning and would say you have sprayed long enough if you coloidial silver is at least 40 PPM. You have begun the process which takes a while and I have no experience with Strawberry haze (darn!) but you might start another clone to be pollinated with the pollen you get. I was unable to get my plant to self pollinate but I started the treatment much later in flower, around the 15th day of 11/13. If your Haze takes a long time finishing you might be able to do it but I had only an 8 week window. I began spraying the 25th of december and my plant is right now making male flowers, I am sure I will be successfull in creating pollen but it will be used on anther generation of clones. NotaDrinker was successfull and he started approximately the same time you did at the start of 12/12. Good luck and please show us how things are going with this.
Indeed. I began using CS at a ppm of about 25 at the same time frame. About a day or two before flipping the lights. And I sprayed for about 21 days.
That second pic is exactly what you want to see. I would say maybe a few more days of CS and you are done.
In my grow, I had no intention of producing any amount of good bud. All I wanted was some seeds. I did self pollinate my plants and it worked flawlessly, however I did push them a week or two past their prime to get there. I was about 4 weeks from the first shot of CS to viable pollen, and another 5 to 6 weeks of seed production. So wether you have time or not will depend on the flowering time of your strain. I was told though, that the plant will continue to live and grow her seeds as long as necessary. Wether that is 100% true I do not know. It is my opinion that you may be better off pollinating the clone, but I bet that yo would have time to self the plant. I just don't want to be the reason that you tried and maybe failed.... So go with your gut.
In your second pic, you are looking at the beginning of the male sacs. Congrats!
Once they begin to open (in about 3 weeks or so it looks), you will have pollen. Some open before others, and it is only the opening ones that you want to pick off and use pollen from. I would say that every pollen sac is enough to pollinate an entire bud, so you really do not need a whole lot. If you are 21 days into flowering, and you began CS on day -2, you are probably set. But I do not think an extra day or two or three will have any negative effects other than possibly producing more sacs.
My only advise (and take it with a grain of salt as I an very much a rookie myself) is to spray more. Soak the area every spray. Not just a little. Your site there looks way to good to have been tortured with the amount of CS I used. Don't just mist it or spray a little, soak it good. Make sure you get a lot of CS on that site.
Best Wishes and Looks Great m8!
I held a piece of cardboard behind the parts of the plant I sprayed to keep the CS from getting on the other plants and I only sprayed 8 times due to an absence and "changes" I noted at the time. I picked some of the male pods and the mutated yellow things that grew from the buds today with a pair of tweezers and put them in an old style film canister today along with some rice.
Thank you Doc, and Nota for the welcoming response and encouraging words. I gave a good soaking this morning and will stop spraying at this point. Since this was my first attempt, I tried to experiment somewhat, and apply what I've learned from Granny and you guys. I sprayed 2 of 6 branches on 1 of the clones. One branch was misted, and the other pretty much soaked. The photos in my original post (yesterday) were three days old, and from day 21. I took new pics this morning (day 26). One on a branch three nodes down that was sprayed heavily, and the other that was mostly misted. Both seem to be developing what you described from my original photo as the beginnings of male sacs. So, I'm excited and will stop the spraying and watch closely.

Since my main objective is to get seeds, (some nice additional buds will be a bonus) I will try both ways. The other clone is in a different closet and at 19 days into 12/12. (I followed the advice of someone here and started the intended male 1 week before the intended recipient, figuring I'd have options available depending on how it went). So, to increase my chances of success, and possible provide more data for all, I will try to pollinate parts of both plants after I get pollen, and keep you filled in on results.

A note here on ppm of the silver. I've been making and using silver for a lot of things long before I heard of it's use for making feminized seeds. After a lot of research, this is my understanding. If you make colloidal silver with a pure silver source, and use distilled water, the solution will start turning a faint yellow at about 7 to 10 ppm. Most recommendations for internal use (drinking small amounts) is around 3 to 5 ppm. For this project, I made a batch of silver that had a fair yellow color to it, so I'm guessing at least 20 ppm. The reason I mention it here is this. Before finding this thread on this great site, I read a similar thread on another site that I won't mention, where someone documented their experiment and had positive results using totally clear colloidal silver. This suggests that the concentration in ppm may not be as crucial as commonly thought. Just another piece of info.

Thanks again

Top photo is with heavy spraying, Bottom one is with misting

:love:I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!:love:

Gosh it feels SO GOOD to be back in here today!

And I can see everyone is taking care of this journal wonderfully!!!


Hi Honey!! I hope your pollen sacs are getting closer to viable!!

You asked about auto-flowering plants and what benefits they have.... some folks have to keep things short and/or in smaller pots, others want fast flowering plants which can benefit indoor AND outdoor growers, others don't have room for 2 light cycles so the ability to flower under any light cycle is a major plus... I guess it all depends on what we as individuals are looking for!

Wish I had some of those seeds you had that flowered as soon as going outside and finished in 50 days! That sounds almost like an auto-flowering plant to me!

My CS'd plant is doing fine laying on it's side in low light. It is developing a lot more male looking flowers but has not really dropped any pollen yet on the typing paper. Patience Red.

Only one of my CS treated plants "dropped" pollen. I had to remove the browning sacs with tweezers - and even the brownest of sacs did not drop pollen after removal UNTIL I dried them for 2 to 3 days. Trial and error also taught me that "yellow" sacs are NOT likely to contain viable pollen - wait for them to brown.

Seriously, the strains are varying in when the pollen is ready and it has been QUITE a wait for some. The two regular strains, Pineapple Chunk and Ladyburn 1974... I started CS treatment on theses strains the very beginning of November and sprayed them completely for around 4 weeks, when I saw sacs forming. I tried pollinating the end of December but it didn't take. It was Jan 15th and Jan 18th when the pollen was finally viable (sacs were BROWNING - not just yellowish).

But I have also found that these treated plants continue to shoot out more and more NEW sacs, for QUITE SOME TIME! They are like the energizer bunnies! Thus, I am learning that you have quite a long period of being able to obtain pollen cuz the plants keep growing new pollen sacs and nanas for a long time.


Hi!! :thanks: honey, you are just too sweet! Remember, I still haven't got the end product yet (thank goodness NotADrinker is showing us it CAN happen!)... but I am getting closer and I've learned a lot!!!

Question: once u pollinate a plant do u have to keep it forever isolated from other females? Also, when u do pollinate do u still have fans blowing circulating air? I assume so.

I isolate mine in a cooler, shady, area for either the day or night, or a 24 hour period (when possible), then mist it with water (which kills pollen) before putting it back in the flower room. This works for all the small plants I have been doing.

However, when I am doing just a branch on a plant in the flower room I... shut all fans off and prepare everything before I get the pollen out. I try to take the plant I am pollinating to a shadier area away from the other females in flower, and I choose and label the branch I am going to pollinate. I also make sure I have enough light to be able to watch the pollen fall off the q-tip and onto the plant (don't touch the plant/hairs). If there are any drafts, you will see which way the pollen is going (hopefully ON to your intended bud!)

If I grow a male and have her flower outside can I pull flowers and store for later use if so how long. I wouldn't mind doing some crossbreeding of my own and having a load of seeds to keep since seeds are expensive. Thanks. :Namaste:
LOL - if you grow a male, you CAN'T have HER flower outside! LOL! I know, you meant him dropping pollen outside! With males (rather than CS treated female sacs), it isn't pulling sacs off - male sacs open up and drop that pollen dust real real easy. You would just need to watch it for when the sacs are opening and then collect the pollen by simply tapping the branch. The only problem I see is the wind - it will shake the plant and the pollen will blow away as it is ready to be released. So if you see it is starting to open it's sacs, you could place it in an area where there is no wind to let it continue opening it's flowers - in a day or two you should be able to collect plenty of pollen by just tapping the sacs. Hope that helps!!! :high-five:

As for storing pollen... I have not read that you can refrigerate it for 6 months, as Doc said - FREEZE, YES. Maybe you can??? Any other opinions on this? I'm sure not an expert!!! I know you can freeze it for that period because I did and I have seeds on my purple baby because I did. You want to dry it first in a cool, dark, DRY place for 2 to 3 days. Then put a bit of rice with it (the rice will absorb any moisture while frozen), make sure it is inside an airtight container (I put my small plastic container of pollen inside another airtight container to prevent moisture condensation in it), and freeze it. but once you remove it from the freezer, you need to use it immediately because it quickly dies after being thawed.


Hey Honey! Yes - that was the pic I was looking for! :thanks:
I wanted to see what color your seeds were, cuz I thought they were green. I am amazed at the red-purple seeds in this plant. I took the top (not pollinated) so the plant would work hard on finishing the seeds on the rest of the plant. It tastes SO YUMMY (very strong fruit flavor and smell) - and has purple trichs! I haven't had time to take many pics, but will when I can.

The high price of auto-flowering fem seeds and not being able to clone them was the entire reason I am here in this journal, experimenting and learning how to do this myself!


Isn't that just beautiful???!!!!!!!


I am so very very pleased for you!!!!


Honey, it is SO GREAT to see you!!!!! Yes - I have purple fever too!!!


Hi toots!!! Yer welcome on the review. Have you grown this strain, or are you considering it? If you have, what did you think of this strain? I swear it was like being in a blueberry patch when I cleaned these plants - so wonderful and soooo saturated. I need to get my MB jars back out and test for smoke flavor again now that they have cured a bit.


:hug:I LOVE YOU HONEY!!!:hug:


I will be glad to let you know when I have some female plants showing from my seeds! That will be when this journal is finished! Right now, I'm watchin' seeds grow and still working on seeding more strains that are not listed in this journal. I'm hoping to have around 20 pure strains plus a number of crosses by the time spring gets here.


:welcome: Honey!!! You are sure not out of line by jumping in - you are now OURS!!! LOL!!! This is a journal for all experimenting with using CS to create female seeds, so you are SOOOOO :welcome:!!!!

I see the wonderful gang here was on the ball with answering you!!!

For you, Denny... doing strawberry haze (sounds delicious!!!) that flowers longer (not an auto as many of these were). Just be flexible with the time frame on viable pollen and pollinating the female. If I understand right, you want to use the same plant to CS treat and then use to pollinate it. My only advice is to also have an extra clone of the plant in case the timing doesn't work out right you will have an additional plant to pollinate.

Okay - if I understand you correctly, you have already put both females into flower? If you have, please take a clone (or a few to assure one makes it) from the untreated plant and get this/these going in your veg room. These would be your "just in case" clones to pollinate in case the other plants are too far into flower to pollinate by the time you have viable pollen. Flowering clones can take a bit of time to revert back into veg, so please do this asap - just in case. You can always pitch these clones if you end up not needing them.

From my own experience, I'm pretty sure the extra female you have in flower will be ready (or close) to harvest by the time the other produces viable pollen, making her unusable for pollinating.

The question will be if the treated plant's non-treated colas develop a bit slower - the CS treatment may slow down everything maturing on the plant as it did on two auto strains I did this with (worked wonderfully and hope it does for you too!). But just in case the treated plant develops buds too quickly to be able to pollinate and still allow the time needed to grow on to produce viable seed (non-auto strains can take 6 weeks), then you would be able to use the clones you take now. If they aren't ready when the pollen is - the pollen can be dried, frozen and used when they are.

Have you cloned? If not, there is a ton of info in 420!!! It is SO GOOD TO MEET YOU!!!! You are definitely in the right place, sweetie. :high-five:

Just a few notable things I will put here on this experiment cuz it may help???...

The two regular strains I did in this experiment took longer to produce viable pollen (2 to 3 weeks longer) than most of the auto strains. I started them in the beginning of Nov (same time as all autos) and didn't get their female clone sister pollinated until mid Jan (15th and later)... and I could have still had viable pollen for at least another month.

But I have been doing more regular strains... I have had excellent timing of the regular strains if it helps anyone else. I cloned two plants at the same time and turned one with CS and put to 12/12 (same day) just as soon as it was rooted and showed growth - as a very small plant. The other clone I grew in the veg room (18/6).

The next 4 weeks was pretty much CS treatment time for one (until I saw sacs), while the other I LST'd in the veg room. In the end, there were two different methods I used for having a female ready at the right time.

After stopping CS treatment on the one plant (around 4 weeks for me):
1) For some strains that the female in waiting grew fast in veg and I could see the pollen on the other plant was not going to be viable in time for this plant to go to flower... before I put the fast growing plant in flower, I took a couple clones (in case one died or didn't do well) to use to pollinate. These took around 3 weeks to root in and I put them to flower as very small plants as soon as they did. When they flowered they had perfect timing for the pollen.
2) For the other females in waiting that either grew slower in veg or the pollen was getting ready faster... When I could see a few sacs were beginning to brown and would be in good timing, I put the waiting females into flower as large plants and pollinated a few buds on one branch of each of these strains. I didn't have to take clones on these.

I hope that made sense!! EEK!!! I currently have a lot of different strains making seeds and am still in the process of turning more - EEEEEKKK!!! I think in the end I will have over 20 pure strains and a number of crosses. I should certainly be set for seeds!!!

As for my recommendations on how long to spray... it is at least until you SEE the sacs appearing (usually seen on the lowest parts of the plant first). Below are a couple things I am learning that may help you...

I have now found that any branches I sprayed for a short period (8 to 10 days) and *thought* were a hermie mix of bud and pollen sacs which might self-pollinate - were NOT. They all took much longer to change, but eventually the branches I did this with grew out flowering buds that changed to nanas and pollen sacs after a much longer time.

SPRAYING LONGER TIMES... (3 to 4 weeks)
This is what I would recommend. The branches I sprayed this long (until I SAW sacs growing) turned faster and gave me viable pollen sooner.

All plants continue to grow more new pollen sacs for a very long time. This gives you a long frame of time to be able to collect pollen - and let's you know you don't have to hurry to try to get the pollen asap. Keep this in mind when you are considering when to start the female to be pollinated (if using separate plants).

UPDATE: Auto Cream Caramel and Auto Blueberry

The auto strains I started the end of Oct included Cream Caramel and Blueberry. I did get to collect pollen to freeze - but I started the females to be pollinated (separate plants) at the same time and they are long harvested while the CS treated plants are still going on and on. Normally, the auto blueberry is supposed to finish in 8 to 10 weeks FROM SEED yet this plant goes on still! I was hoping for a couple seeds in the treated plants... but after watching tons of sacs continue to sprout for months... well, I have pretty much given up on any seeds being inside these, but will check when I dry them.

The auto Cream Caramel was a real nice auto strain - drenched with trichs, nice size buds, great flavor, and a kick-butt buzz... so I used some of the pollen from this strain to cross 2 branches of the purple plant I have going. These seeds should be female from the Cream Caramel pollen (not a pure strain tho) and will be included here in this journal.

I don't know where I was in writing here - or where I was going! I got interrupted with a work emergency and am only back in here long enough to sign off.

Gees - usually I go back and reread and try to make better sense or not repeat... no time to do today - OH WELL!!!

Take care! I'll try to get in here tomorrow or Friday!!!
:thanks: to Granny for those kind welcoming words, and for maintaining this journal and sharing all your knowledge and experiences. It's good to meet you as well! Posting all the great pictures and detailed descriptions of what you've done as well as answering so many questions over the past year takes a lot of effort. Just wanted to let you know it's appreciated. There seems to be a good group of folks here.

I have cloned before. My two current plants were taken as clones from a mother that was eventually harvested. So, I will start another one to have as that backup. Great advice. I will keep you filled in as I go.
Hello all, getting started on my experiments. Gonna self a killer Power Plant and make some Fem auto seed from a Samsara Supersonic Crystal Storm in my seedbox. The auto got started by accident. Interesting thing about the auto is that it is growing under 24/0 light and is at day 23 and hasn't sexed yet. We are trying to clone it and veg under 24/0 to see if we can "hold off" the auto flower characteristic. I read in another journal of a guy that was able to make a bunch of clones off a certain auto (don't recall which one) by never giving a dark period. As long as you don't have a power outage it may work for some strains. I know for our strain they "recommend" 18/6 light period......I will keep you informed.

Yesterday I said at least a couple times to wait for BROWN sacs - that was an error in wording! EEEEEK!!!! The sacs or nanas should be starting to brown - they should NOT be just yellow, but instead should be turning a brownish color.

I have shown pics in the past that show the correct color... let me go find it...

That better shows what colors the sacs/nanas should be. Taking them before that gave me pollen that was NOT viable.

This was a big error in wording, cuz if anyone waits for them to be completely brown, the pollen might be done for (dead) by that time!!!! Hope I cleared that up!!!

Top photo is with heavy spraying, Bottom one is with misting



Hi Honey!

From the pics above it looks like you have done a GREAT JOB!!! Yer on yer way!!!

*g420 clears her throat and wonders if she should say it?*

Nice sacs, Denny!!! LOL Love those balls??? LOL

I also saw you are taking a clone for a back up! :thumb: If you need it down the road, you'll be real glad you did!

Back in a few!!! Updates!!!


I just HAD to say it!!!
Hello all, getting started on my experiments. Gonna self a killer Power Plant and make some Fem auto seed from a Samsara Supersonic Crystal Storm in my seedbox. The auto got started by accident. Interesting thing about the auto is that it is growing under 24/0 light and is at day 23 and hasn't sexed yet. We are trying to clone it and veg under 24/0 to see if we can "hold off" the auto flower characteristic. I read in another journal of a guy that was able to make a bunch of clones off a certain auto (don't recall which one) by never giving a dark period. As long as you don't have a power outage it may work for some strains. I know for our strain they "recommend" 18/6 light period......I will keep you informed.


YES!!! I want seeds from your strains!!!!!!!! Most of my autos showed sex around 28 days, so you might be close... or maybe the light is holding them off! Really interesting on no dark possibly holding them off. That makes sense cuz I read that shorter light periods for autos can quicken the start to finish time (and also decreases yield - more light equals larger end yield). When I found out I couldn't clone the autos, I was real disappointed. But I'm not anymore cuz we all got the cure here!!!

I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! But it's kindda like the army... hurry up and WAIT... WAIT... WAIT! Right Doc??? I'm sure feeling it! I just love seeing NotADrinker's progress cuz it helps me know what's coming soon for me!!!

Yer takin' the dive, now make sure you keep us all informed on yer progress (including pics always welcome)!!! Everyone's progress and success/failure will help others learn!!! Congrats, honey!!!!!


I am going to update all the strains I have going in this journal today.

These two strains I am putting together because they are similar. Both got treated with CS on the entire plant, started same day, ended same day, and both still going.

For these, I wanted to pollinate the other seed of each strain that I started the same day - MISTAKE. The two ladies in waiting I kept under 18/6 to try to slow them down while I put the two treated plants under 12/12.

I have no pure strain pollinated from these strains because the females started at the same time were finished before the treated plants had viable pollen. I have frozen pollen from both strains and did use CC to pollinate 2 branches on the purple plant I have going. The female CC that finished and was harvested was an AWESOME auto strain - very drenched with crystals and nice bud structure, flavor, etc.

The Auto Blueberry and Auto Cream Caramel were both planted from feminized seed on 10/05/11. On Oct 27th (22 days from seed), they were small plants that were just beginning growth...

The BB on the first day of treatment...

And the CC on that same day...

I sprayed these entirely for at least 24 days until I saw sacs and many new hairs were browning from the CS treatment. Here is a pic of what things looked like when I stopped spraying...

Now remember these are auto flowering plants. The Blueberry is supposed to go from seed to harvest in 8 to 10 weeks and without treatment it does. The Cream Caramel has a little longer harvest time.

I am still amazed that both these treated plants go on.... and on... and on... They are now 17 weeks from seed!!! I am growing these out only because I am wishful thinking in hoping for a lone seed inside of them (they flowered on a long time)


The plants kept spitting out what looked like buds (new hairs/pistils in lots of new buds). I thought maybe the plant would self pollinate these - but in the end, all those new buds turned later.... much later...

Here is what the BB looks like today (I did take the top bud off her when collecting pollen... she ended up being an extremely dense plant with a ka-zillion female pollen sacs...

and the BB closer...

Now, the CC... (I also took the top off her, as well as a couple side branches along the way to collecting pollen)...

Here is the CC's upper area...

And a mid area of the CC...

When looking at the pics above, you can see there are still sacs that are green (not viable), TONS of sacs that would be perfect for taking, and some that have really browned (died) and may no longer be viable.

ALLOW TIME (so hard to do!!!) CUZ YOU HAVE PLENTY...
What this shows is that from the point of making viable pollen you have quite some time to take that pollen. Thus, there is no need to rush getting a female into flower to pollinate. When you begin seeing sacs turning from yellowish to brownish, pop yer waiting female into flower and you will have plenty of good pollen to use 3 weeks later when she flowers nicely.

Again - I am really shocked these plants still live on. When I have good seeds from my other early started girls, I will dry these two plants. I no longer feel I will have any seeds inside her, but it won't hurt a thing to at least check.

FAILURE??? - NO!!!
Some would consider these first two strains as failures because I won't have pure strain seeds from them. I don't consider it a failure AT ALL cuz I have plenty of FEMALE POLLEN and can buy another seed of each strain to pollinate. And I did cross the CC with that purple... so I WILL have female seeds from that cross! AND, I LEARNED when using 2 plants (one for pollen, the other for pollination) not to start the auto strain plants at the same time. :)

Back in a bit!!!

I am grouping these two together because I treated only the bottom of these with CS and let the tops grow to try to pollinate them - THIS WORKED!!

I treated the bottoms of these for 3 to 4 weeks, until they showed sacs. After pollinating (more then once while experimenting!) and being pretty sure the pollination took, I removed the bottom branches and put the flowering plant back in my flower room to finish.

Here is the Auto HBD now...

And here is the top of this auto HBD, showing she is seeded...

I did take a seed from a lower area on the HBD and the seed was not ready yet. That top seed began green but is now nicely brown and speckled (ready). I will give this one another couple weeks so she can finish a few more seeds for me.

Next, the auto Mazar plant now...

I have looked and looked for seeds in this one and have seen NONE - but do feel it is seeded. I pollinated this one a number of times trying to figure out when the pollen would take. I started Dec 19th, 22nd, and 28th. On the 28th, I also used the pollen for this one on 2 branches of my purple plant (got that one well seeded with a variety!!!) AND I used it to cross pollinate with a free Auto Thunder Bloody Mary seed I had which has Mazar as one of it's parents. And I again pollinated the Mazar on 1/4 and 1/8.

So... now I can see seeds on both the purple branches and on the TBM I crossed this one with - but I can't see any on the Mazar itself. I grew a couple of these Mazar's outside tho and didn't see a single seed on them until after I harvested either (can't quite control that outside environment!). So, I am figuring that even if I am not seeing seeds, this plant certainly SHOULD be seeded if the others were that I used the same pollen on!

Here are a couple buds from the auto Mazar... can you see any seeds??? This strain is so saturated with trichs, it makes it hard to see anything - and that's OK!!!


Does a different light help to see anything???

If you see any seeds in that Mazar - point it out to me!!!

Back in a few...

Not too hard to update this one cuz I tossed it!

This plant had funky pre-flowers that appeared to have male characteristics, ie possible hermie traits. I did actually pollinate the top with the bottom and could see a couple seeds, but the growths on this plant continued to be strange and I figured I'll never grow the seeds out because of those concerns (and cuz I will have lots of quality seeds to choose from). So I cut the plant and tossed it.

Fast one there, eh!!!
Okay... where am I????

I'm LOST!!!!! OH NO!!!!! :)

I guess I'll do the last auto strain before moving to the regular strains - only 3 plants left to go I think!!!


Seeded 10/05/11
CS: Began on 10/27 with the entire plant, but after about 8 days I stopped spraying the upper part of the plant. But this one is a bit different auto strain. It wasn't showing pre-flowers and I figured out it had to grow 6 to 9 nodes of growth before it flowers - with me using spray on the entire plant, the growth was slowed... so I stopped spraying the top of this plant.

I had a separate female plant for this one also, but again... the female finished before the pollen was ready.

The top of this plant continued to grow more nodes upward after I stopped spraying, so in the end I got quite a mixture in this plant. Here is a pic of her now...

The bottom was total sacs and have been removed. The very top is bud with just a few nanas. I pollinated the top of this one on a few different dates from Jan 3rd to Jan 27th - I believe the end of the month it was pollinated.

I thought maybe the mid section of this one is hermie mixed which might produce it's own seed... and it might still end up that way.... I will say more on this after putting in a couple pics of the mid areas. When the pollen was getting to the viable point, these buds appeared to pollinate themselves - or at least I thought that because the bud hairs near the ripening sacs suddenly died... but only time will tell.

Here are some of those mixed middle buds...


Now, the reason I don't know if those mixed center buds will make seed is cuz all the rest of the plants that had plant parts that I sprayed for 8 to 10 days... well, they all ended up doing what I will show you next...


Pictured next here is a Vanilla Kush (not an auto strain). I sprayed the entire plant for 8 to 10 days and then my other VK clone didn't make it so I tried to change things and quit spraying the upper part of this plant.
Here is what the Vanilla Kush looks like...

While the bottom grew pollen sacs, the top grew lot's of new buds with nice long pistils everywhere up above. As the bottom pollen sacs got riper the last few weeks, I thought I was going to be able to pollinate the top of this one because of all those beautiful looking hairy buds on top.

But a lot can change in a week!!! Now, the bottom is ready now for me to take pollen...

But alas... last week when I was going to take my first pollen I took note of what the upper area was doing. I wish I had pics of how these looked like perfect buds until this week. Now, while the bottom is ready with pollen, the top decided to turn...


... bud on the plant...


Needless to say, I was real glad I had already taken a clone from a flowering VK - just in case I needed it... and I do!!!

Any plant part that I sprayed for a shorter time did EVENTUALLY end up turning to complete pollen sacs (auto Kush was among them) - with the exception of the Widow Ryder. This is why I am not so sure the WR won't still shoot out sacs in replacement of those mid-section buds. I don't know.

But this also gave me a lesson on what might happen with shorter time CS sprays versus longer CS treatment. Longer treatments turn all on the treated part, but those sacs seem to then be able to mature more timely. The shorter time sprayed parts took a lot of time turning from bud to sacs - but turn they did.

Ran outta time... still have more updates but they will have to wait!!!

:love::love::love::love::love:LUVIES TO ALL FOR TODAY!!!:love::love::love::love::love:
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