Question about my lighting


Well-Known Member
i just started my grow and i have a 150 watt hps and a cfl at only 825 lumens for 2, 2gallon pots of pro mix soil.

is this ok to grow like this with a cfl going and hps at the same time?
sounds fine to me, that small of a cfl wont do much however, if its in the way, i'd get rid of it, if its not in the way, i'd get a bigger one, maybe a 42 watter, or 2 23 watters on a Y
i just started my grow and i have a 150 watt hps and a cfl at only 825 lumens for 2, 2gallon pots of pro mix soil.

is this ok to grow like this with a cfl going and hps at the same time?

This should be no problem at all because each has a different light spectrum output so your plants should be able to take what they need from each.

You may want to also consider 'grow lux' florescent lighting too because they are rich in color spectrum that plants love... not too expensive either... a shop light should serve you well.

I hope this helps!

yeah you will do fine, i have an hps and cfl's running on my plants as we speak and shes doin good, only 15 days old.
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