Re-Acclamating Myself


New Member
I'm an oldtimer to this spot with a new name. Been lurking for eons and decided to post a note or two. Things seem to be chill enough for me to comfortably converse about now! :tokin:
Hello :welcome: to the 420Mag Family! We are here to spread Cannabis Awareness across the globe. We provide the most comprehensive up to the minute Cannabis News worldwide, so you know all the facts. I will provide some links that will keep you well informed on late breaking news across the world. We also have Legal Medical Marijuana Gardens that will blow your mind. 420Mag has members from around the world who count on us and the friendships forged here to get the truth about Cannabis. Why not:surf: and tell us what you think? If there is anything we can assist you with just say the word. Have a great and safe time, see you on the boards.
Here you grow:
Medical Marijuana News - 420 Magazine
Medical Marijuana Facts and Information - 420 Magazine
Hemp News - 420 Magazine
Petitions & Initiatives - 420 Magazine
Plant and Bud Photos - 420 Magazine
Growers Forums - 420 Magazine
Deep Purple in DWC
Sour Diesel #8 Indoor, 2x600W, Soil, FF Nutes
Undercurrent DWC Grow Journal
Irish Boy's - 480W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers
Thanks for the re-acclamation Wingman. Doesn't look like, other than site layout and functionality, anything has changed too drastically except the times.:thumb:

Thanks for the love Happy Kitty. :Rasta:

I'm looking forward to stepping my game up in the new year. Exciting times indeed.
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