Root Rot


New Member
I have an on going problem that has gotten progressively worse. It started as a drainage problem which I have corrected. I believe the last batch was dew to contaminated clay pellets. My question is on cleaning what can I use besides alcohol or water to flush feed lines as well a the rest of the systems. The components are PVC and rubber tubing.
Also, if H2O2 doesn't work Clorox bleach (nothing scented, just regular bleach) I use 6-8 droplets (per gallon) from eyedropper in my reservoir every change and it keeps it clean and I have never had root rot. If they are rooted young then I would try to use H2O2.

There is also Hydroguard & Florashield, but it sounds like when you get this cleared up you need to work on keeping reservoir water cooled so that pathogens aren't growing in the water.

If you use diluted bleach, it too will kill any beneficial bacteria that you may have in reservoir. When you flush with H202 or Bleach it will cloud up by removing some of the nasties, just keep cleaning and flushing until it's cleared up, it will take a few days.
Yes well I did try that a bit to late I'm afraid that batch is gone I am now in the process of renovating my grow space. But I need a means in which to sanitize the equipment
Yes well I did try that a bit to late I'm afraid that batch is gone I am now in the process of renovating my grow space. But I need a means in which to sanitize the equipment
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