Sex these please first timer


New Member
definitely some sacks on there so defo male but could possible be a hermie. but don take me words 100% as I'm a newbie but from what I've seen and read thats atlas a male
I hope the next door neighbour isn't growing females, that a lot of pollen sacks mate I wouldn't smoke it maybe turn it all into some butter you might get a hit.
I think I can maybe see some seeds pods but If you can get us some clearer photos of the bud sites it would help a lot.
Thanks for the help, I'll get rid of them today. Sucks that my first grow were both male. They did so well.
Before you go and do that it could be worth picking your best grower, putting a paper bag over one branch, then strip the plant of everything except the branch in paper bag. Leave it a few days and go google "drying and storing pollen".
It could come in handy on a future grow you may want seeds off you can pollinate just one branch or plant carefully without contaminating other buds in the room.
But we wanna make sure it's not a hermi because you don't want that pollen!
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