Should I flip now? Also how do I get more heads?


New Member
Just as the description says; how do I get more heads?


Starting from right to left!

Plant 1 - 50cm
Plant 2 - 58cm
Plant 3 - 60cm
Bubbas gift - 50cm

Would it be okay to start 12/12 now? Plant 1, 2 & 3 all popped through soil on the 20th July. The Bubba's Gift popped through soul on the 5th of July. Bubba's Gift is only so small because I pulled the fan leaves off during veg ( Stupid mistake ) yes you can probably tell that I'm a first time grower lol. But now I know for future reference not to defoliate during veg.
If you vertical space overhead you could let them veg a little longer but remember they will double in size during flower. Just keep that in mind. Wecome to 420.
If you vertical space overhead you could let them veg a little longer but remember they will double in size during flower. Just keep that in mind. Wecome to 420.

Is that even real? I've heard a lot of people saying that! I have even heard of them tripling in size. so if I was to put them in veg now, that would be ok? Is it too early?
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