Smokin a Bowl


New Member
I'm just curious, because I noticed myself, when you smoke a bowl on your own do you smoke it all at once or do you take a couple hits chill on it for a while and hit it again in a little bit? I notice I wait a little bit befor I hit it again, prolly like 5 10 min.
I puff my bowl's hits one after another!
No space is left in between, unless I'm coughing like crazzzzy.
sometimes it takes an hour or more to smoke a bowl.

Usually I take about 4 hits , and im feeling it real nice, and I stop for a while, smoke a cig, etc.

I hear u tho
thats how i always smoke when just by myself. when hitting pipes and bongs everyone back home is chilled out like that too, its like we are all gonna get high so lets just worry more about chillin out hehe

but everyone out here in the city (SF) everyone is so impatient and wants to get high as quick as possible! sometimes it feels like people forget that its all about hanging out with your friends and not only just the actually getting high
I do the same thing. I'll hit the bowl and continue what I'm doing...either playing video games or watchin south park, chappelle's show, ATHF, or family guy dvd's. I'll hit it every 3-7 min. I'll roll one G blunts and smoke em down to myself since my bro's on probation. That's good too--it burns down and u feel more and more fucked up...then my lungs reach critical mass and I physically can't smoke any more for like 20 min.
Even when i am by myself, it takes me a while to smoke. I have lost an hour and a half before, just loading a few bowls. It's half the fun! Also if you have a homemade takes three times as long! Ehh... that's just what I like to do. =)
I usually only pack half a bowl when I'm by myself. Then I just keep hittin it until its gone. Then, later if I feel like it, I pack another half bowl to keep the high going.
I think it depends for me on if the bowl stays on fire once you light it. You kind of have to keep smoking it then or just let it burn and waste it. If it stays lit then I keep smoking it, if not, I put it down and wait until I want another smoke.
Yeah I noticed I keep blazin it when it stays lit.
I smoke by myself most of the time. Sometimes I'll take a couple hits, and forget about it for 30min or so. Then I'm like Oooo look a bowl. I still get just as high though, and theres none of that "hurry up, man" Damn I hate that.
I like to smoke a bowl over a time period of 30-40 minutes. I know that seems long but I like to smoke slowly and be high for a while.
when im blazing up alone i usually take my hit and just lie back and chill for like 20-30 seconds after my next hit, ive never really tried waiting 5+ minutes between hits when blazing alone, maby ill try it sometime
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