So i need to pass a drug test tommarow


New Member
Ya i need to pass a test tommarow last time i smoked was like id say at least a week ago maybe a week and a half the last time i smoked i smoked id say 2 small joints and shared a bowl with someone and smoked a bowl myslef not very big bowls and this was throught i think 2 weeks

Im not a heavy smoker maybe one or twice a month im 5 foot 11 and 165 pounds so far i have drank 1 gallon of watter and my piss is crystal clear my uncle (my toke buddy) recomended a lil bit of viniger witch i drank tonight

Do you think ill pass? its for a walmart employment test
Just make sure your urine isn't completely clear tomorrow. They could make you take it again if it's too clear, etc. I don't know when your test is tomorrow (or I guess, today) so I don't know how much time you have, but I suggest some B vitamins for color and creatinine monohydrate (you won't have enough time to just get it from red meat) to up the density of your urine for specific gravity tests.

I don't know if you'll even have enough time for these metabolites to show up in your urine...but then again, I don't know how specific the Walmart tests are. Good luck!

p.s., you could probably search in the forums to find out more info about walmart drug tests.
My urine is normaly clear due to the amount of water i drink on a regular basis on avgerge i drink half a gallon to a gallon a day Umm i should be ok at least i hope so once i smoked some tree called White Widow supposed to be some really wicked shit and it was out of my system in like a week or so.

I have a very low body fat percentage im very lean and have a high motobalism i dont have any vitam B or anything and i dont have the time to go buy any.

I do belive walmart uses the dip stick method very crude i belive all i know is the results are transmitted back walmart within an hour so it almost has to be a very quick method

It was like that at gander mountian and i had just lit up the week previous
Just as well you don't have time to take vitamin B supplements, it turns your urine a neon yellow color and sometimes they're suspicious of that. If it's a dipstick then you'll probably be fine.

I'm not an expert, though, so no guarantees. Good luck, though, I hope you get the job.
Here's a quick search in the Drug testing forums for wal-mart.

420 Magazine - Search Results

Good luck with your test. Please let us know how you did, and what kind of test they gave you.

Peace and 420:rollit:
Well as fo rmy results i dont know but they of course has me piss in a cup and then they covered the cup with a lid that a had probe thing on it and then stuff it in some kinda device no idea
This is my experience only...

1. No news is good news.
2. If a doctor from the lab calls and wants to know why you would have THC in your system, it's not a good sign.

The probe was probably to check the temperature.
Best wishes - :rollit:
Well its been about half an hour and no call from the lab or walmart

I did drink 2 gallons of water between last night and today witc h is kinda normal for me

If i pass then its all good ill go out and get me some tree =D

If not oh well i still have a job and i might get me some tree anyhow
Good Luck! I had a roommate who was also a coworker, well he would always get picked in the "random" drug test at work. But lucky for him he always kept a urine cleaner and a bottle of Gatorade in his desk. He never pissed hot!
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