Some sort of white oval shaped bug under leaves


New Member

Hello, i dont have much time to post, but ive noticed these little bugs underneath some of the bottom leaves on my plants. One plant has it worse than the others. I keep my plantsplants inside a tent overnight and let them outside while its sunny. I saw these bugs last year. Didnt see them during a separate grow, but that grow had spider mites that we got rid of.

I'm not sure if these are mites or whitefly or mealybug or aphids or what. They don't appear to be moving, and they are readily visible with the naked eye. They have a cloudy white or reddish color. I would appreciate some outside advice.
That my friend is an aphid, get rid of them FAST!!!! They are easy to deal with and colony still didnt grow too fast(good), so a few methods, natural ones: can just spray them off, or use a bit of soap water( dilute some soap,or a few drops of detergent in water) in spray bottle and spray really well, and i mean everywhere, under the leaves,in between leaves and stem, on a new grow cluster, make sure it gets covered, just dont spray on soil. Ladybugs are their natural predator and aphids are their main source of food, ants however are your enemy with aphids as ants will nurture them, to protect them from ants outside just put them above water while outside :)

P.S.: What you can do for prevention latter on, is get some plant to keep your cannabis company that will also repel aphids, so here are some: Clover, Coriander, Eucalyptus, and if you want to keep both ants and aphids away you can get Catnip :)

Hope this helps and solves your problem :)
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