Spider mites?


Well-Known Member

Need some help to figure out what the issue is with this one plant.
Soil grown with pro mix and nutes are the advanced nutrients 3 part feed.micro grow and bloom.
Plant is a sativa not sure the name it is about 3 months old 2 months in veg one month flower.
I discovered this plant in my 12/12 tent during a pre flower and had white dots on some leaves a quick Google thingy said spider mites so I removed it from tent and sprayed it down with bug spray non toxic to plants.
After that the plant got really stressed so it was flushed as i thought there was a nute lockout.
Anyways here is the plant today doing nothing

Thanks to anyone who can help


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It looks more like a calcium def mixed with a potassium def, if it were mites those white "pin pricks" would be everywhere, and smaller :thumb:

And would that be the PH perfect line of Advanced Nutrients you're using? What are you using for water?
It looks more like a calcium def mixed with a potassium def, if it were mites those white "pin pricks" would be everywhere, and smaller :thumb:

And would that be the PH perfect line of Advanced Nutrients you're using? What are you using for water?

Hi thank you!

Yes that is advanced nutrients 3 part series 4mils to 1 oz etc.
Water i ensure the PH is 5.2 to 5.5 i control it with PH Down as it comes from the tap at 8 PH with mineral filter then filter the water through a Brita removing .out of the crazy crap then adjust my PH then add the nutes as per directions.
Weird this is one plant out of 20
Here's a couple of leaves I cut off just now.
Thanks for the pics I didn't see any bugs but I could be wrong maybe @Emilya can throw her 2 cents in she knows way more then me
Hi thank you!

Yes that is advanced nutrients 3 part series 4mils to 1 oz etc.
Water i ensure the PH is 5.2 to 5.5 i control it with PH Down as it comes from the tap at 8 PH with mineral filter then filter the water through a Brita removing .out of the crazy crap then adjust my PH then add the nutes as per directions.
Weird this is one plant out of 20
Why PH so low if your in soil those sound like hydro numbers just wondering I dont PH but when I did I thought 6.5 is where is should be but once again I could be wrong it has been a few months since I worried about that wait didn't you say pro-mix is that PH pro-mix if so dont that have a ph buffer in it to have you ph at 6.5
Not seeing spider mite damage, though it doesn’t hurt to treat for them anyway. Possibly pH issue...also make sure fungus gnats aren’t eating your roots. Anyway it looks like a problem that can be easily fixed and I’d get that pH up around 6 at least (I’m closer to 6.5 usually)
Here's a couple of leaves I cut off just now.
There would also be webs/hairs on the leaves and the stalk, no mites :thumb:
Hi thank you!

Yes that is advanced nutrients 3 part series 4mils to 1 oz etc.
Water i ensure the PH is 5.2 to 5.5 i control it with PH Down as it comes from the tap at 8 PH with mineral filter then filter the water through a Brita removing .out of the crazy crap then adjust my PH then add the nutes as per directions.
Weird this is one plant out of 20
I would still use plain tap, it has macro nutrients your plant loves and craves, and your PH in Pro Mix should be 5.2 to 6.0, because it has little to no macros
Thanks for the pics I didn't see any bugs but I could be wrong maybe @Emilya can throw her 2 cents in she knows way more then me

Why PH so low if your in soil those sound like hydro numbers just wondering I dont PH but when I did I thought 6.5 is where is should be but once again I could be wrong it has been a few months since I worried about that wait didn't you say pro-mix is that PH pro-mix if so dont that have a ph buffer in it to have you ph at 6.5
Pro mix is soiless, google it :thumb: so the PH has to be a little lower
Thanks for the pics I didn't see any bugs but I could be wrong maybe @Emilya can throw her 2 cents in she knows way more then me

Why PH so low if your in soil those sound like hydro numbers just wondering I dont PH but when I did I thought 6.5 is where is should be but once again I could be wrong it has been a few months since I worried about that wait didn't you say pro-mix is that PH pro-mix if so dont that have a ph buffer in it to have you ph at 6.5
Yes pro mix :)
Thanks for the pics I didn't see any bugs but I could be wrong maybe @Emilya can throw her 2 cents in she knows way more then me

Why PH so low if your in soil those sound like hydro numbers just wondering I dont PH but when I did I thought 6.5 is where is should be but once again I could be wrong it has been a few months since I worried about that wait didn't you say pro-mix is that PH pro-mix if so dont that have a ph buffer in it to have you ph at 6.5
The PH I was told or suggested on here somewhere as I dont know what i am doing was 5.5
I use pro mix soil and use advanced nutrients for feed.
My run off had a PH level of 6 to 7.

Water/Feed is alternative days about every 3 to 4 days depending on humidity
There would also be webs/hairs on the leaves and the stalk, no mites :thumb:

I would still use plain tap, it has macro nutrients your plant loves and craves, and your PH in Pro Mix should be 5.2 to 6.0, because it has little to no macros

Pro mix is soiless, google it :thumb: so the PH has to be a little lower

Awesome!! Thank you very much @MochaBud and @Fantasma420 being new at this it really helps to share knowledge and the right people to connect with.
Yes i learned about pro mix i call it soil as in pro mix soil lol
As I said to Fantasma420 my tap water with filter is way up 8 plus
Then I filter it with a simple brita filter the PH is still high so I use PH down and drop it to 5.2 to 5.5 the mix advanced nutrients the 3 part series and tend to the plants
Not seeing spider mite damage, though it doesn’t hurt to treat for them anyway. Possibly pH issue...also make sure fungus gnats aren’t eating your roots. Anyway it looks like a problem that can be easily fixed and I’d get that pH up around 6 at least (I’m closer to 6.5 usually)
Thank you very much it appears with all the peoples help on here it could be ph and nutes
I may try and do a transpant as this palnt is still pretty shirt at 2 feet that way i can check the root ball if it aint dead yet lol.

I appreciate the wisdom

It looks more like a calcium def mixed with a potassium def, if it were mites those white "pin pricks" would be everywhere, and smaller :thumb:

And would that be the PH perfect line of Advanced Nutrients you're using? What are you using for water?

I have this booklet from Canna I aint no expert however you mentioned calcium def and that picture kind of matches what I have plus magnesium def.

So in this thread somewhere I mentioned I flushed plant with water so would a transplant in fresh promix and new pot fix the problem?
Awesome!! Thank you very much @MochaBud and @Fantasma420 being new at this it really helps to share knowledge and the right people to connect with.
Yes i learned about pro mix i call it soil as in pro mix soil lol
As I said to Fantasma420 my tap water with filter is way up 8 plus
Then I filter it with a simple brita filter the PH is still high so I use PH down and drop it to 5.2 to 5.5 the mix advanced nutrients the 3 part series and tend to the plants
My tap water is like 7.7 somewhere...I still use it, no filtering, as I said it has calcium, iron, copper, zinc, and all the other macro nutrients your plant needs and wants.
No sense in filtering it out and then using a substitute to replace it
I have this booklet from Canna I aint no expert however you mentioned calcium def and that picture kind of matches what I have plus magnesium def.

So in this thread somewhere I mentioned I flushed plant with water so would a transplant in fresh promix and new pot fix the problem?
You really don't want to transplant once they're in flower, it may stress them.
Also in flower, they use up the stores of calcium, magnesium, and potassium they've collected in their fan leaves during veg...and, if you're still having problems after trying plain tap with some nutrients, I would suggest getting some Garden Lime, and some Epsom Salts, it's what they use in super soil to buffer PH :thumb: 2 tablespoons of Garden Lime, and a tablespoon of Epsom Salts per gallon of water will help, and yes you can mix this with your nutrients, good luck and keep me posted :popcorn:

EDIT: Also forgot to say, that the garden lime is high in calcium, and epsom salts is natural Magnesium, so together it's a natural Cal-Mag :thumb:
My tap water is like 7.7 somewhere...I still use it, no filtering, as I said it has calcium, iron, copper, zinc, and all the other macro nutrients your plant needs and wants.
No sense in filtering it out and then using a substitute to replace it

You really don't want to transplant once they're in flower, it may stress them.
Also in flower, they use up the stores of calcium, magnesium, and potassium they've collected in their fan leaves during veg...and, if you're still having problems after trying plain tap with some nutrients, I would suggest getting some Garden Lime, and some Epsom Salts, it's what they use in super soil to buffer PH :thumb: 2 tablespoons of Garden Lime, and a tablespoon of Epsom Salts per gallon of water will help, and yes you can mix this with your nutrients, good luck and keep me posted :popcorn:

Thank you once again lots to do and go on yes i figured it would stree the plant couple of pics if my other plants i think the trichomes are looking ok? I read about them so just checking this is a Sativa


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Thank you once again lots to do and go on yes i figured it would stree the plant couple of pics if my other plants i think the trichomes are looking ok? I read about them so just checking this is a Sativa
Hey, that's what this forums all about, helping as much as we can. And yes, all your plants look good, we all have problems some times.
And it does look Sativa dominant...long thinner fingers on leaves, and a stretchy stalk, but the heavy lead leaves on the buds say Indica :thumb:
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