Strawberry Cheesecake Auto: First Journal!

Update: They're still alive!!! The HF blend looks a little stronger but way too many variables to conclude anything.


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Getting a little chillier in these parts. Couple days and nights indoors ahead. Trimmed up sister plants and made a little extra room for the autobabies. Each of which is developing nicely.


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Fingers crossed! Did quite the number on our regular garden. No matter how many times I heard that last frost date of May 15 thing, we were raring to go. Ah, the enthusiasm of noobs! Really the first time I've payed attention to growing and harvesting cycles. At least in a practical sense. What are you putting out this season?
Bedroom Cookies were made by @Rich Farmer a couple years ago. I had the honor of naming them. :meditate:
Right on! I'll for sure check into more. Part of the excitement of this journey is finding just the right flower. I'm currently of the mind set that first hand experience both growing and smoking is the only real way to find it, but that idea is running right up against the reality. Ha! Space, money, etc.

Having said that, know anyone on here that can give me some good insight into organic nutes and amendments? I'm using Roots and wanna figure out their system but wanna learn how it all works.

Took a water sample down to Water Dept today. Out of tap it's at 7.73. Still working on getting a reliable pH test kit for both the soil and the nutes. The local soil conservation district suggested a nute test kit that they all agreed was accurate enough. I could go down the black hole on accuracy, but I take their word for it.

Any way, the point is to learn a system that feeds the roots and supports a healthy microbial ecosystem. Then stick with the plan and harvest some healthy clean flower.
Getting a little chillier in these parts. Couple days and nights indoors ahead. Trimmed up sister plants and made a little extra room for the autobabies. Each of which is developing nicely.
Apt 18 -

Thought I had 2 plants. Turns out I have 3. Third seed is either the dud I left in the dirt (almost 2 weeks later it popped) or some random plant. We'll see. Anything to think about when transplanting an Auto?

Gave both plants first dose of Roots Organics nutes at 25%. Early system components include: Buddha Grow, Trinity, Surge, Ancient Amber. Also added OrganismXL to the mix. Once read that OXL should be mixed in water before nutes added. Sound familiar anyone?

Took soil sample from each blend to determine base line nute before adult cycle begins.


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If it’s growing fast that would cause the light colors on new growth. It takes time for the plant to produce the extra chlorophyll needed.
Chlorophyll. That makes sense. I think this stuff has a 10 week finish. For whatever that's worth. Can't say if they're growing faster than another auto but they have developed nicely. Good to know though that about chlorophyll. especially since my first inclination is to think nitrogen deficiency.
Just keep an eye on the color, if it gets lighter or starts going yellow then your assumption was right. It’s easier to add nutrients rather than try and remove them.
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