The PC Box Experiment


New Member
I made a realization recently that I am perpetually broke. I like to stay medicated but it can be a money grubber. So I thought about growing. I decided that I'm going to do it. I wanted to start small. And i remembered I had an Old PC sitting around. So i converted it. I heard a lot of negativity in the begining from the few people I shared the experiment idea with.

I call it an experiment because I don't know completely what I am doing. Yes I will learn as I go and figure things out, and have help I'm sure. But that is why it is an experiment, because we have to learn some how. How else do we know the waters cold? We run an experiment by dipping out toe in.

So here I am with this PC and I convert it and it looks totally different. Now that I have the thing I have to Figure out what I want to do. I know what to grow. Pineapple Kush Naturally a short strain. With the proper LST *which I have been practicing on with an actual weed at work. It's fun :D anyway I digress. I plan to make a Bansai like plant. SO let the Journey begin.....when I get seeds.
i really wanna know how this turns out, what are the dimensions of the box and are you just gonna go straight into 12/12 or give it some veg time? :goodluck:
I too am looking forward to see how this grow goes. Someone once said ‘if it isn’t hard, it isn’t worth it’, this sounds likely to be a fun ride.


And fear not Max I'll make sure i post as much as i can to keep everyones mouth's watering. I need to modify a few things in the box anyway. and I live by that saying.
i really wanna know how this turns out, what are the dimensions of the box and are you just gonna go straight into 12/12 or give it some veg time? :goodluck:

The dimensions are 14X14X7. With the lights there should be about 10-12 inches of grow room (there are different lights I'm looking at putting in, instead which would take me down to only 1 inch for the lights making 13 inches of grow room)

I do plan to Veg, but I am still doing research on the strain to try and find information on what others have done in the grow. Though as i'm sure you're aware, finding information like that on the internet or in general is about as fun as slapping a tiger playfully on the ass. But I'm still going.
haha yeah it can be a bit tedious but theres loads on 420 and plenty of people to ask too

This is true. I've done copious amounts of research on this site, and two others like it. I just need to get everything I can down. I have a notebook full of ideas lol
the more you know the further you go but its still a learning curve to be enjoyed im only just realising now that 3 plants may be one too many for my growing space but i know better for next time and it does look pretty cool with them packed in there lol
Yeah i'm subbed to your grow actually they look great. Even if they look like they're packed in there like Sardines in a can they still look nice.
This is what I like to see. Good luck to you sir! It will be a fun experience regardless of the outcome.

Here is a link to my first grow which was a PC grow box... If I remember correctly I got about 3-4 grams. May not be much, but it was more than I started with! Have fun!

Stealth First Grow
hey man, 3-4 grams is more then what you started with and thats what counts. Besides 3-4 would save me some money lol
Would using a grow bag style method work they're quite small and space saving and you could easily make your own to fit the size of your box?
I have some fabricating in my background because of work. I think I will start with a cup or something. That's actually what I'm working on figuring out right now. Any thoughts and Ideas are welcome.
Some time has passed since the last time i had a free moment. A few things happened that caused me to continue to push back my project. The box is completely finished but, a new idea has been raised. I have found myself a larger case. This case would offer more grow room and more Opportunities for this. Along with the larger case, i got something else that will come in handy in the future. So what do you think guys? Go with the bigger box and scrap the old, OR Make another box and try to get two going?
You're right all materials i used were pretty cheap. Didn't have to pay much for anything, and i was able to do most of the work myself.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial:
Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial:
Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

Thats fine, I had to abort this experiment. Had a few things happen that caused me to walk away from it. Thanks for the heads up and the post though. Sorry to anyone that i may have wasted their time. This will happen i just need new location.
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