Limited Space & Resources - Zombie Ninja's PC Grow Box Experiment Journal!

Happy New Year everybody!! I hope 2013 goes better than 2012 did. For me at least. LOL.

I wanted to do a lil mini update, the night after I posted my last update I decided to swap the bulbs back to 2 2700k and 1 6500k, because the big one looked close to telling me what it is and I wanna see pre flowers dammit. LOL.So they've been under those lights now for a few days, and I have to say.. the big one is looking like a girl to me, when I post pic updates maybe you guys can tell me for sure. I did a good bit of defoliating on it tonight and tied it down again. All three look amazingly healthy and growing everyday.

I finished building my new stealth grow box!!! Woohoo!! I now have waaay more room to grow, and it's almost enough to make me want to abandon this project and turn this box into my vegging box. But I'm a man of my word, so unless yo guys vote otherwise I think I'm gonna see what we can get out of a plant in this box first. Just to show it can be done. But the plants that don't win this box we'll get to go into a much larger space. The dimensions of the box are approx 90cm tall x 60cm wide x 53cm deep.. I have plenty of room for 4 one-gallon pots. Me and my buddy spent a good 6 hours or so working out the details of it, but it looks amazing. I'll have pictures of it in the next update as well!

In celebration of completing my box, I started one of my WW beans and one of my reggie beans 3 days ago. the WW has already popped!!! I can't believe it popped before the big plump reggie seed. It will be going in some dirt soon and I'll have a pic of it as well ;)

So see, even though I haven't been posting as much, lol, I've been here, reading and growing. The kiddos running around everywhere with no school has slowed the work down too. But hope everyone has had an awesome holidays, now let's get back to greenery :peace:
What's up guys, sorry I've been slacking on the journal the past few days, I've just been really busy. Life and all. I'm sure you all understand lol ;)

Lots of changes to this journal and this grow. I've decided to move my three plants into my big box, transplant them into bigger pots, and veg them for a little while on 18/6... there are still a few kinks I've got to work out but I went ahead and moved the plants into the box in the containers they are in to let them get adjusted. This box is outside, in a building, and is covered fairly well, but I know it wont stay as warm as it does in the house. I'm gonna get the heat situation straightened out tomorrow I hope... But for now they have been on 24 hrs of light for the past 2 days.

I have decided to make the pc case my veg box. The goal is to run a continuous sea of green, swapping plants from the pc to the big box around day 45 or so. Rinse, and repeat. In my veg box, I currently have one of my White Widow and 2 Purp plants that I acquired from my buddy, exact genetics are unknown in the purp but they came from purple dank nuggets. The other WW bean is germinating, I'm giving it to my buddy for the purp plants.The widow is about a week and half behind the purp, but they should be in the big box at about the same time :) I can't wait for the second harvest!! LOL...

Kinda got ahead of myself there, lol... I still have to see the first one through successfully.. But me and my buddy have been working pretty close together on this project and helping each other out where we can, and remember, he has 4 of my original 7 plants, so between him and me, we will definitely have a harvest of some sort. Box of chocolates bagseed harvest... Who knows what the hell we'll get. That's why I'm alot more excited about this second batch, simply because I KNOW wtf I'm growing. (at least strain-wise.. cloning will take care of the gender)

I keep promising a picture update. I swear it's coming guys. Please be patient while I get this situated and I shall reward you all with eye candy as soon as I can. :peace:
FINALLY!! lol I've been busy as hell lately, but I finally got around to taking some pictures for you guys. :ganjamon:

So before I decided to transplant my plants into bigger containers for their new, larger home, I decided to put them into the new box for a few days just to let them acclimated without the risk of further shock from a move AND a transplant as well, to see how they would do. I am happy to say that all three took to the box very well, so I transplanted them a few nights ago into bigger containers.

Since I put them back on 18/6 to veg and grow a little bigger, I figured there was no point (at least for the moment) of having a separate veg box (the pc case). I figured that my plants would all be much happier in the big box vegging together under ALL of my CFL's, instead of having them split between two boxes... so I took my WW and the two purp seedlings that I have and placed them in the big box and installed ALL of the lights that I could find :) I did this tonight, so we will see how well the plants respond to having twice as much light as they did before.

Also, in a sad bit of tragedy, I completely neglected my other WW sprout, it was already rooting and about ready to lose its shell in the next day or so, but yesterday I awoke to find that I didn't keep it moist enough in the pc box, and it died :( :rip: hard lesson learned.

I watered them all tonight, and the big three got nutes tonight for the second time. It would have been time for them to get nutes again about two watering back, but since I had them doing sooo much already, with getting transplanted and a new home and all, I waited until they seemed stable to feed them. There will be no nutes for the babies for quite awhile.

It seems like there was more shit I needed to tell you guys in the update, but I swear I can't think of them at the moment, so I may post something else if I think about it... lol... but for now, here are the long overdue pictures of my maters... and there are a good bit of em, too Oh, and disreguard the date on the pics, they were taken tonight, I'm always too lazy to set the date after loading new batteries lol :peace:

If you're wondering which small one is the WW, it's the smallest of the three small plants. It's about a week and a half behind the purp.
looking very good mate! good descision to move everything to the bigger box!

is that your leg in the first pic!? damn mate you need to eat or walk or something :rofl:

Lmaoooo, yeah dude, I'm all of about 155 lbs soaking wet... this shit needs to grow already so I can get the munchies:popcorn:
lmao fair enough, im about 14-15 stone 195-210lb roughly. wow im 25% more man meat than you :rofl:

im only playing bro, i was blessed with natural treetrunks for legs. i kid you not, at my peak i had egs bigger and stronger than van dam...just not as flexible, lol.

at my last check about a year ago i can leg push 300kg about 30 times, and its the base of my spine that gives out before my legs.
tho to be fair, i have chicken arms, i cant do weights because of my shattered elbow =( it got turned to powder by a baseball bat :loopy:
lmao fair enough, im about 14-15 stone 195-210lb roughly. wow im 25% more man meat than you :rofl:

im only playing bro, i was blessed with natural treetrunks for legs. i kid you not, at my peak i had egs bigger and stronger than van dam...just not as flexible, lol.

at my last check about a year ago i can leg push 300kg about 30 times, and its the base of my spine that gives out before my legs.
tho to be fair, i have chicken arms, i cant do weights because of my shattered elbow =( it got turned to powder by a baseball bat :loopy:

You made me laugh my ass off giga! I can appreciate our sense of humor, I could take you anywhere!
WTF is a stone?, some sort of measurement?
You made me laugh my ass off giga! I can appreciate our sense of humor, I could take you anywhere!
WTF is a stone?, some sort of measurement?

If it wasn't for Bush's album '16 Stone' I wouldn't have a clue wtf a stone is.. lol.. true story... I've been a skateboarder for about 18 years now, so my legs are pretty strong for their size lol... I don't skate as hard as I used to, haha, I'll be 32 on the 29th of this month, and the ground hurts, dude... lmao... only took me 18 years to learn THAT lesson :rofl:
Mini update, plants are doing super awesome in their new home... I did some light defol on the super bushy one, and topped it as well. The vegetation on this thing has it lookin like a freakin tomato lol... I also tied that one and the other big one down again, I hadn't bothered tying them down since I put them in their new pots until tonight, I just been lettin em grow.. but I went ahead and tied em down so that both of them are around the same height as my runt, which is finally starting to show some secondary growth. I kinda think this one's growth was stunted by the sawdust, but none of the others that were in the sawdust ever showed the extreme slow growth and purple stems that this one did, so I can't be sure. But the purple seems to be going away on the newer growth, so maybe the transplant cleared the problem up. It's definitely growing faster now. These 3 plants are 52 days old as of today. I'm gonna give em a little bit longer to reveg, and use my gut as to when to flip the switch. At the rate their growing, I say maybe 2 weeks or so.. we'll see.

My one White Widow and two Purp plants are coming along nicely, nothing major to report there, the little fuckers are just growing :)

Picture update coming in the next day or so ;) Until then, in the words of my buddy's 6 year old son, "makin the maters greater!!!'

LOL, I nearly fell in the floor laughing when I heard him randomly say this the other day.. I told him I'm stealin it :rofl: :peace:
ahh yeah the dreaded 30s when we realise that actually we really are getting old no matter what our innerself believes.
im half way through mine and i already feel 40 on some days physically

Just you wait there whippersnapper! :)

When I hit 40 it was like night and day! 10 day tour of the midwest that I used to be able to do standing on my head (I'll let imagine what kind of shennanigans can take place on a 10 day tour of the midwest! ;) :rofl::rofl::rofl: ) all of the sudden requires near ICU recuperative processes! I'm in pretty damn good shape for 42 compared to my peers, but man. WTF is that all about! Lol!!

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