Time to wake up


New Member
at this time in history you can forget about the legalization of the weed as we know it.it seems to me that if your imitation elected officials (ha-ha)were going to do this thing it would already be done it would be as simple as first stop raids on medical shops and grow ops,but that has not been done yet either ,so with the huge secret meetings behind closed doors with the big execs of drug company's,and you can see if you read the bill on health care you would know that the bill is centered on payments to the big pharma company's,and the fact the big pharma company's poured a ton o money in to his election fund,and they really call the shots in this matter and that my fellow smokers is the jest of it all.we are never going to achieve our goals under this total nightmare of the powers that be.does any one else see this or have i smoked my self retarded?this obama the savior of the u.s. has not done one thing he said in his fake run for the white house,o thats right you think you put him in power well sheeple we have to end crooked politics in the u.s. WAKE UP and join the fight against this outlandish political bunch of idiots fight for your rights weed is one of them any one here agree with :cheer:me?
Not I

Not really. Unless ur talkin revolution, political change is a process, that takes time.Its not a just add water thing. The guy gets handed a political pile of shit and is trying to turn this crap around from what I can see. I live in one of the poorest areas in this broke ass state, I can't see it getting much worse. We have MAJOR economic issues and unless ur talkin about the hemp movement (not MMJ) then I can't even see y our agenda would be pressing even the least bit the the executive in chief at this point. We have wars with young Americans dying abroad daily. Let's see them come home.How about creating some jobs from all the crap these factory closures, folded corporations and banks from the bad lending practices? We won't die if our agenda doesn't come full circle right now or even in our lifetime. If nothing else it will have its time. Til then keep doin what u've been doin and quit cryin. :peace:
well you have your opinion and ill have mine..this is how divide and conquer works......so when you see bank closures(bank holiday)..riots .food stores closed.......you just keep telling your self that there is no powers that be,and i am not talking about the people you think you put in office,but other money grubbing people behind the scenes and all is well........one thing for sure if i am wrong and mind you i am sometimes(often) wrong then nothing will transpire and all will be cheeky also watch for another bank closer today and let me know how that change is working out for you............ or and by the way i havent stopped doing what i do for over32 years of growing so there that is.......................peace bro
Guess u'll be on the next ballot, huh?

Ok if ur still doin what u say been doin for so long, y are u cryin about this? Do U do it well (u got a journal)? Did u read what I wrote? Dunno bout how u do what u do. But if u did it right, I would think that none of this should even be a concern. We've been in a bad spot as a country for a while. Shit just hit the fan. Dude, take the Chicken little act to a blog or somethin unless u are prepared to lead a revolution. This is the wrong forum for this discussion any way.
well bwc ... call me weird or what ever but jail still is not where i want to be regardless get it?just cause your wreck of a state lets you off the hook what about the rest of us?just like you California people yur soooo much better than us .......................i have the right to say what i feel is the truth ,,,,and you sir have the right to not read it.good day sir!
Just Call it How I See It

Sorry u took it the wrong way but, put urself in another's shoes and try to look at what ur doin here. Looks a lot like chicken little, excuse me for being frank. Don't get ur boxers in a bunch. If u weren't ready for this y did u choose to get political online? It seems like ur upset because I challenged ur largely biased, weak, attempt at a rallying cry. Seems like U posted more out of frustration or just wanted to vent. Prick to you, I just call it how I see it. :peace: I got no beef with u. Remember. u asked the question. I only responded. Read some of my posts and u'll c that this is my personality type, its not really a personal attack. But really I'd like to encourage u to look at urself here. I'm not here to argue with you, only seek and share info.
ok i get it too dude,no more arguing about this,i thought that others feel as frustrated as me and no i dont want a war with you or any one else for that matter,time will tell the truth of all matters,hopefully we will stand together at the finish line and laugh about this.i am not for more government involvement have a good one and my sincere apology to you for any miss givings....peace...............j
I have read all the posts and I would have to agree with "BWC BayArea" and what he said in his second post.
President Obama has been given a country that has many many issues that need to be taken care of. For starters we are a county with a high unemployment percentage. We are fighting a now pointless war, and a poor health care plan. Do you really think that the "legalization of marijuana" ranks high up on his list of things to do? You have to take into consideration that Obama is not going say,"Okay pot is now legal within his first 8 months in office. What would American's think? It would be pretty cool, but he is a leader first and a stoner second.
People have expected WAY too much from Obama; he is only human people. If you think that John Mccain would even think of the legalization of marijuana then you must be crazy...
Give it time, just give it time. The Civil Rights movement did not happen over night, nor will a bill to pass the use of marijuana in America.
Great Point and Quote

You have to take into consideration that Obama is not going say,"Okay pot is now legal within his first 8 months in office. What would American's think? It would be pretty cool, but he is a leader first and a stoner second.
LMAO!! But so true to me
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