To Victory! - My fellow virgins!


New Member
Greetings everyone.

Long time lurker, long time learner and much like a cannabis plant grown in ignorance, I lack certain elements of knowledge in the growing pot that is my skull. Over the years I've been feeding and have become quite proficient at certain things in regards to cannabis; germinating, cloning, pruning, watering frequency, etc...

Then there are the deficiencies.

Feeding frequency amalgamated with feeding concentrations (EC).

I'm getting better at it, I've completed a few harvests that knocked my socks off but have yet to reach my goal with yield.

Over the past few years of going Bill Nye with cannabis, I've cultivated a deep respect for cannabis. What it takes to produce quality results and how you can really get to know a plant.

In my particular case, I've taken the reverse engineering approach.

Learning thru trial and error of knowing how to interpret the signals given off by the plant; how does the input from the grower manifest itself from the plant when processed by the executing instructions that is the plant's DNA?

What are all the variables and what values are those variables supposed to be, and how does the growing medium influence all of this coupled with the strain's individual preferences and demands?

And as you go on, you see your plants in a whole new way. You notice just about everything, which can be anxiety inducing in itself when you come across an output you're not familiar with which is my current case as I get to later in a plant's life cycle but in doing so, you refine your reactions.

One day, I hope to be knowledgeable enough as to help others speaking from experience with complete knowledge in the sense of producing at my goal level, but for now, to all those in the same boat of learning how to grow cannabis and fighting off the sleeplessness and anxiety of worrying about your time investments, do not give up and do not stop learning.

Until then, I continue to seek experience points and look forward to interacting with fellow cannabis enthusiasts.
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