turning trichomes into hash


New Member
Howdy Stoners,

I recently took my friends advice and bought a coffee grinder to bid up my weed instead of just using a hand grinder. and as those of you who use coffee grinders know, you can save up a ton of crystal.

I was wondering if anyone out there knows a quick and easy way to turn a pile of crystals into a decent hash.

Cheers, :roorrip:
Re: turning crystal into hash

Mary420Juana's version:
Re: turning crystal into hash

Thanks for the tips guys.

i ended up saving a ton of crystal and trying both of those methods, but ended up using a method my buddy showed me. i took a small ceramic bowl type thing, filled it with the crystal, put that over a candle holder with a lit candle inside, added a bit of water, and just stired and cooked for a while. ended up with some pretty decent hash for the amount of effort i put in.

Cheers, :ganjamon:
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