Untapped potential in PA


420 Member
People out here are clueless ,not in a bad way. Just alot of misunderstood info. People are scared of what they do not know. Unfortunately I am disqualified from being a grower or any other part of the industry. Because of a felony from my past. That is why I'm trying to reach out to people , As a private consultant, critic , partner, educator,spokesperson sales rep. and would love any feedback ,help or guidance. I have already started to talk to several doctors in the program along with local Vape shop owners Head shop owners and others interested in this huge market. And also live in an area where there is still a lot of active farming or farming that is in the midst of declining and hoping to today foot hold on industrial hemp industry. Not as a grower once again but as mentioned above hey Private consultant hopefully being you again employment or provide my family doing something I'm passionate about. And also being that PA is one of the first states to legalize marijuana and the use of the opiate epidemic I have been down that road also on all ends of addiction from a child to being a dumpster before jail saved mylife and even as corrupt and non productive at rehabilitating as it was. I and only Me Myself could make that decision to change. So being a part of that big 1% success rate of rehabilitation through incarceration/medication(*pharmaceuticals)NOT . I want to use these experiences to help others and their families. using non traditional methods with non traditional medicine pair with leading professionals in the Industry. There is alot of money to be made out this way on the east coast especially PA.. I hope to help how ever I can , Thanks
Welcome to 420 Magazine, I'm sure we have forums here that can help you find answers. I think Sweet Sue may be someone you'd want to talk to. I'll try and get you a link.
Well hello B. :hug: :welcome: to the magazine.

I also live in PA, and you’re right, there’s an untapped potential for patient education and consultation. My advice would be to learn all you can about responsible dosing, because most of the doctors are clueless still and patients will need guidance.

Where exactly do you see yourself fitting in? Where is your experience with cultivation, medicine production and knowledge of cannabis therapeutics?

There’s eventually going to be an exploding market for setting up grows for patients and teaching them to run them with confidence. In today’s canna landscape you can turn in almost any direction and find a niche.

Anything we can help you with, you have only to ask. You’ve wandered into one helpful virtual neighborhood. Lol!
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