Vaporgenie - Bought One


New Member
all i can say is WOW.took me a couple minutes to figure out how to hit it right,but when i did i was getting really fat vapor hits.its the 2.0 version, the bowl when filled with a small amount of ground up weed will give off 2 fatass hits,2 nice hits and 1 ok hit,then all you do is dump out the bud and refill it.the stone is so great too,comes on easier but lasts alot longer.great buy for anyone who doesnt want fucked up lungs or just doesnt enjoy smoking.i give it 9 out of 10 stars becuase trying to fill it up and light when stoned can get a little difficult at times, but no worries.
Re: vaporgenie-bought one

You can get like a 10 pack of bic lighters for a few bucks i think, but yeah you do go through lighters pretty fast.i want a vaporbros after using my brothers who lives in another state, but i cant have one since im still living with the rents.couldnt risk having it taken away.
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