
The amount used, is determined by many things....

How experienced a MJ user you are.

How hard you hit the Medicine in the Vaporizer(Refers to how long it is used in Vap).

How hot you hit the Medicine in the Vaporizer.

How potent the strain is.

How much you enjoy the taste of A.V.B.

etc., etc.

Myself, I use 1 Tablespoon from the silverware draw, in each lunch box size Yogurt. Anymore A.V.B. and it gets kind of gross(my If you need more, I suggest another yogurt(new) set up the same way...But taste is in the mouth of the consumer.

Peace...Buddha I just received the silver surfer vaper I purchased last week...I must say it opens up a different perspective...why did I wait so long?
The Silver Surfer is a great first vaporizer! Did you go with Ground Glass or the Standard style? Glad to hear that you made the vape leap. :thumb:
...went with the ground glass...gee man, this could become a habit...did have to buy a better grinder than provided....other than that everything is good...
...what are the good portable vapors?

Hands down it's the Arizer Solo for vapor quality. Got mine on amazon it's the only vaporizer I use now !
...what are the good portable vapors?

Check out the "Magic Flight Launch Box".

I have been looking at this Vap as a late Xmas gift to myself. It's cheap($130), comes with a life time guarantee, 4 rechargeable batteries, and it's very compact. I found it on Ebay, with free shipping.

If you go to there home web site, there's a guy demoing how to use it and he gets a cougher...very impressive.

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